I am having difficulty with the hallmarks on a wonderful filigree dish. It is an older piece and think it may have older portuguese hallmarks, but I am unable to verify in any books or info. on the internet. This is a small piece with highly detailed filigree. I tried to photo the hallmarks but they are so small they are not visible in photo. The hallmarks appear to be a boar or eagles head with the number 11 underneath and a smaller letter D . The other hallmark appears to be a clover or fleur de lis within a shield. Very hard to see. The head is similiar to #8052 in The Book of Old Silver by Wyler. Any help in verifying the country and rough date on the piece would be appreciated.
Help ID'ing Sterling Filigree Dish Hallmarks Portugal?
Based on your description, I think Portugal is correct; the II meaning second standard (.833) silver, and the "D" the mark for the Gondomar Assay office, 1886-1913. The other mark is probably the maker; there should also be a letter there; without a photo or illustration identifying it would be nigh impossible.