My mistake with PL number.
This is from Skurlov:
Futikin Ivan Ivanovich, mentioned 1863 - 1897.Had 12 workers in 1894.PL 2526 and 2527.
ФУТИКИН Иван Иванович, влад. маст. сер. изд. Упоминается в 1863–1897 гг. В 1894 г. имел 12 рабочих.
Постникова—Лосева: клейма №№ 2526, 2527.
Beside the inconsistency in years mentioned by Qrt.S (Fedor Ivanov active 1843-1882), his initials were ФИ not ИФ.
Alphabetical listings are always with family names first for obvious reasons (you cannot list by given names John, Joseph and Joshua).
Western name system: given name, followed by middle names (if any), followed by family name. Since this is the convention best known to English speakers, the given and family name are usually called the "first" and "last" name in English. The only European culture that places the family name first is the Hungarians.