Hungarian silver 800 mark?

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Hungarian silver 800 mark?

Post by erundle »

Looking for help identifying one of the marks on a lovely tray, which we have inherited from my husband's family.

They lived in Prague for many generations, so I know that the mark on the left (in the third photo) is the Czech import mark: the fleur-de-lys with a C above, which was used from 1929-1942. Given the family's departure from Prague before the invasion, that narrows the period in question to 1929-1938, I think, unless the same or a similar import mark was used earlier.

What's really puzzling me is the 800 mark, in a coffin-shaped six-sided lozenge, preceded by what looks like a head facing right. (But maybe it's something else altogether?)

These same two marks also appear on a flatware set. I've included some photos of these items and their marks, as well, so you can see a variety of the stamps. Some are clearer than others, but they are all extremely small. (I don't see a maker's mark anywhere on the tray or the flatware.)

I have searched extensively online, and the only things I've found that are even close to the 800 mark are some Hungarian silver marks.
Many thanks for sharing your expertise!

Posts: 785
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Location: Hungary, Budapest

Re: Hungarian silver 800 mark?

Post by huszas76 »

It looks like an austrian export mark in the '20 years.
Just like here: viewtopic.php?f=24&t=48001&p=144139&hil ... rt#p144139
Best regards!
Posts: 14
Joined: Sun Mar 03, 2019 12:41 am

Re: Hungarian silver 800 mark?

Post by erundle »

Yes, that's the closest thing I've seen--thank you!
So, whatever the symbol is before the 800 will tell me who the maker is, correct?
Do you know of any source I can consult to decipher that?
Posts: 14
Joined: Sun Mar 03, 2019 12:41 am

Re: Hungarian silver 800 mark?

Post by erundle »

Yes, that's the closest thing I've seen--thank you!
So, whatever the symbol is before the 800 will tell me who the maker is, correct?
Do you know of any source I can consult to decipher that?
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