I was just wanting opinions on the authenticity of the piece.
Many thanks
Многие мастера предпочитали работать преимущественно на крупные фирмы.
Это нашло отражение в клеймении серебряных изделий того времени, на которых очень часто встречаются два клейма — именник мастера, выполнившего данную вещь, и клеймо фирмы, на которую он работал. Работавшие для фирмы Морозова мастера имели следующие клейма: Айраксинен Петер – «РА»; Аллениус Иоганн (Иван) Константинович - «J.A»; Сеппянен Андрей Фердинандович – «АС», «АФС»; Фредерик Тиандер – «F.T».
Инициалы на клейме: «В. МОРОЗОВЪ», «МОРОЗОВЪ», «ИМ», «АН», «В.М», «НБ», «М.Б», «A.L»:
The Russian text needs to be updated. Here the amendments, correct spelled names and some additions:AG2012 wrote: The masters who worked for Morozov’s firm had the following marks: Airaksinen Peter - “RA”; Allenius Johann (Ivan) Konstantinovich - “J.A”; Andrei Ferdinandovich Seppyanen - “AS”, “AFS”; Frederic Tiander - "F.T".
The initials: "V. MOROZOV "," MOROZOV "," IM "," AN "," V.M. "," NB "," M.B. "," A.L ":
Qrt.S wrote:Ups! Forgot two marks:
BK unknown name
ИА unknown name
Qrt.S wrote:One more addition
... there are actually several Morozows but two famous ones, both court suppliers.
Sometimes I wonder are you at all familiar with goldsmiths' family histories? You see that can be read from books. Not all books, but some of them contain valuable information.Qrt.S wrote:BK possibly Vasily Kangin 1895-1908
I nowhere made a statement in this direction - I only listed the names and marks. Pure polemic!Qrt.S wrote: You made a foolish comment not knowing that Vladimir was Ivan¨s son. That was not a particularly professional statement.