Date of these Leiden forks please

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Date of these Leiden forks please

Post by SilverK »

Here's a simple one for those with the right books. These dessert forks were made, I believe, by Willem van den Goorberg in Leiden near the end of the 18th century. I'm trying to get the correct date for them, but since I can't find a chart with pictures of 18th century Leiden marks I can't establish the correct date, not helped by the ambiguity of the date letter which could be a J or T. As a result, I'm not even sure if the date falls into the 1759-1783 cycle or the 1784-1807 cycle. Could someone help by identifying the exact date, please?

Does anyone know of an on-line location where the pre-19th century Dutch marks are all laid out in picture from for people like me who don't have the right books?

Thanks very much,



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Re: Date of these Leiden forks please

Post by oel »

Hi Silverk,

The maker's mark W.G for Willem van de(n) Goorberg, registered in Leiden 1779-1816..? Year letter slanted capital T for 1801, during the end of the last alphabet, the province standard mark of Holland, the lion rampant seen in a shield without crown.
Willem van den Goorberg was born on 8 June 1754 in Delft. He worked as a silversmith in Leiden from 1779 to 1816...? 1833 (died). ... ec4ff38c42
During the Leiden guild period he used two maker's marks; W.G an W:G in a rectangle, during the French occupation, Kingdom of Holland 1807-1812 maker's mark Wg in a"square"shield. Later his maker's mark conform French rule in a lozenge: G above an Anchor 1812-1816....
I believe you know both sites below, for the moment not much more to find online and both have a commercial goal: ... 700&dd_to=

Karel A. Citroen, Dutch Goldsmiths' and Silversmiths' Marks and Names prior to 1812
W. Koonings De keuring van goud en zilver tijdens het Koninkrijk Holland
Waarborgholland, ˜Netherlands' Responsibility Marks since 1797
Leids Zilver Stedelijk museum de Lakenhal -Leiden
L.B. Gans Nederlands Goud- & Zilvermerken van Voet,

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Re: Date of these Leiden forks please

Post by SilverK »

Hi Peter,

Thanks very much indeed for your very fast and informative reply. I rather thought they were 1801, but I was hoping they would be a little earlier given their 18th century design!

I'm aware of those sites, of course, but I'm hoping that someone someday will come up with a Dutch equivalent of which has both British makers marks and British date letters, all in an easy to find format.... and not for commercial purposes! I was hoping that it existed already and I'd just missed it.

Best regards,

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