JettaBaker wrote:
This ladle is approx 14" long; it only has two marks
. I cannot find out anything about either in my books, Google, Worthpoint, Here or eBay. The bowl is approx 4" wide and seems to have gold wash, non-magnetic, of course. Weighs 212g
Can You make better images of hallmarks?
There was an article from Werner Schmidt in "Weltkunst", Dec.1998, p2839,
Stammbaum der Familie Friedheim, Goldschmiedemarken neue Forschungsergebnisse Teil 21.
Friedheim was a Jewish family.
David Abraham Friedheim (merchant) *1759 oo1785 in Grevesmühlen + 1826
He had two sons
(2) Meier D. Friedheim (goldsmith) *1805 in Grevesmühlen +1853 in Goldberg (Mecklenburg)
(1) Levin(Levy) Friedheim (goldsmith) *1792 +1846 in Grevesmühlen
he had two sons
(1.1) Abraham Levin Friedheim (Gold&Silversmith) *1820 in Grevesmühlen +1886 in Malchow.
he is the maker of Your ladle
(1.2) Meyer (Levin) Friedheim *1830 in Grevesmühlen + after 1865 in Grevesmühlen