A mystery to me; On French made silver campaign medals during 2nd Empire period(1852-1870). Particularly: China Expedition (1860), Mexican Expedition(1862-63)and Italian Campaign(1859) medals. This mark of an eagle's head. Usually punched on the suspension ball or at the top or bottom of the medal (bottom of the wreath design). This seems to be only present on medals designed by (or made by) BARRE, a known medal artist.
While medals for these campaigns were also made by other medallion makers (Falot,Sacristain) - those were normally marked with French standard (wild boar's head)in addition to their names (raised). Only Barre's signed medals seem to have this eagle's mark - majority but not all of them. We are inclined to think this mark to be some kind of maker's mark however Barre normally used image of an anchor as his 'design trademark' (for the lack of better description on my part here). Other Barre's signed Military Medals of the same period (this was a high award for officers) all have the name and the anchor (both raised) but are clearly marked with silver standard (boar's head).
What exactly is this punch of eagle's head? In a way, it very much resembles French Gold standard mark but none of these medals were ever made in gold (nor were intended to be made in gold - Imperial decrees for these medals clearly state silver). The medal in question tested to be silver 850 /000