Tiffany & Co. Advertisements and Information
Re: Tiffany & Co. Advertisements and Information
Tiffany & Co. on Friday sent to the Police Board for the Police Pension Fund a check for $500 in recognition of the services rendered by the police in the recent fire in the Spingler Building.
Source: The Jewelers' Circular and Horological Review - 3rd February 1892
Source: The Jewelers' Circular and Horological Review - 3rd February 1892
Re: Tiffany & Co. Advertisements and Information

Tiffany & Co. - New York - 1927
Re: Tiffany & Co. Advertisements and Information

Tiffany & Co. - New York - 1894
Re: Tiffany & Co. Advertisements and Information
Tiffany & Co., New York, are making a handsome gold medal for the Fourth Battalion, of this city, to be known as the Colonel Howard medal, and to be contested for in a competitive drill in January. The trophy will cost $125.
Source: The Jewelers' Circular and Horological Review - 28th October 1891
Tiffany & Co., New York, are making a handsome gold medal for the Fourth Battalion, of this city, to be known as the Colonel Howard medal, and to be contested for in a competitive drill in January. The trophy will cost $125.
Source: The Jewelers' Circular and Horological Review - 28th October 1891
Re: Tiffany & Co. Advertisements and Information
Among recent arrivals at the port of Boston, from the West Indies, is the schooner Brilliant, a vessel which has been for many years engaged in the unique trade of marine curio collecting. She brings a varied assortment of odd and beautiful shells and other sea treasures. Charles Dadley, of Chelsea, owner of the vessel and of the collection, is a son of the late John Dadley, who was the conchologist of the British Museum in London. He made a stop at Newport on his way north, and while there received a visit from the head buyer of Tiffany’s New York house, who secured some of the most beautiful specimens for that concern.
Source: The Jewelers' Circular - 3rd November 1897
Source: The Jewelers' Circular - 3rd November 1897
Re: Tiffany & Co. Advertisements and Information

Tiffany & Co. - New York - 1879
Re: Tiffany & Co. Advertisements and Information

Tiffany & Co. - New York - 1903
Re: Tiffany & Co. Advertisements and Information
At the Old Bailey on Thursday two Americans, Arthur Preston Greene and Charles Rorer, were indicted for stealing brooches from New Bond-street jewellers, while Rorer was also charged with receiving jewellery belonging to Tiffany and Co., of Regent-street. The prisoners were arrested in New York, where it was stated a quantity of stolen jewellery was found on them. It was alleged that the jewellery, valued at £300, was abstracted by the man believed to be Rorer, and articles of inferior value placed in gaps in a tray while Messrs. Tiffany's assistant was not looking. It was stated Greene practised the same trick at the New Bond-street jewellers'. Evidence was given to prove Rorer had been wrongfully arrested, and he was accordingly discharged, but Greene was sentenced to five years' penal servitude, and recommended for deportation on the expiration of the sentence. A third man concerned had escaped arrest, and was reported to be in America.
Source: Evening Express and Evening Mail - 20th September 1907
At the Old Bailey on Thursday two Americans, Arthur Preston Greene and Charles Rorer, were indicted for stealing brooches from New Bond-street jewellers, while Rorer was also charged with receiving jewellery belonging to Tiffany and Co., of Regent-street. The prisoners were arrested in New York, where it was stated a quantity of stolen jewellery was found on them. It was alleged that the jewellery, valued at £300, was abstracted by the man believed to be Rorer, and articles of inferior value placed in gaps in a tray while Messrs. Tiffany's assistant was not looking. It was stated Greene practised the same trick at the New Bond-street jewellers'. Evidence was given to prove Rorer had been wrongfully arrested, and he was accordingly discharged, but Greene was sentenced to five years' penal servitude, and recommended for deportation on the expiration of the sentence. A third man concerned had escaped arrest, and was reported to be in America.
Source: Evening Express and Evening Mail - 20th September 1907
Re: Tiffany & Co. Advertisements and Information
George F. Kunz will have charge of the preparation of the exhibit of precious stones for the U. S. Geological Survey, at the Cotton States and International Exposition, at Atlanta, Ga., Sept. 18th to Dec. 31, 1895. The exhibit will contain only gems found in the Southern States. Jewelers having remarkable specimens which they desire to exhibit are invited to communicate with Geo. F. Kunz, care Tiffany & Co., New York.
Source: The Jewelers' Circular and Horological Review - 3rd July 1895
Source: The Jewelers' Circular and Horological Review - 3rd July 1895
Re: Tiffany & Co. Advertisements and Information

Tiffany & Co. - Boston - 1996
Re: Tiffany & Co. Advertisements and Information

Tiffany & Co. - London - 1906
Re: Tiffany & Co. Advertisements and Information
Sterling silver tazzas by Tiffany & Co.:

TIFFANY & Co./19754 MAKERS 8872/STERLING SILVER/925-1000/M

TIFFANY & Co./19754 MAKERS 8872/STERLING SILVER/925-1000/M
Re: Tiffany & Co. Advertisements and Information
An image of the ground-floor showroom of Tiffany & Co.:

This image is from 1953.

This image is from 1953.
Re: Tiffany & Co. Advertisements and Information

R. Rudin - Nice - 1927
Formerly with Tiffany & Co.
Re: Tiffany & Co. Advertisements and Information
Tiffany & Co. made the cup offered by the Automobile Club of North America as the grand prize to be awarded in the race at Savannah, Ga„ on Thanksgiving Day. The trophy is of solid gold and weighs 25 pounds. It is 20 inches high and 14 inches in diameter across the bowl. Standing on the edge of the bowl is an eagle which holds a laurel wreath in its mouth. The cost was $5,000.
Source: The Jewelers' Circular - 2nd September 1908
Source: The Jewelers' Circular - 2nd September 1908
Re: Tiffany & Co. Advertisements and Information
The funeral of F. B. Conover, president of the Tiffany Studios, of 391 Madison Ave., whose body was found last Saturday in the bathroom of his apartment, 876 Park Ave., was held yesterday (Tuesday) from his late residence. Mr. Conover, it is said, was found on the bathroom floor with his throat slashed by a razor. The studio head was born in Monmouth County, N. J., and was 64 years old at the time of his death. He went with the Tiffany Studios in 1908 as a business executive and became vice-president of the concern. He continued in this office until about eight years ago when he became president. About a year ago, Mr. Conover suffered a nervous breakdown and although still at the head of the studio, remained inactive in business.
Source: The Jewelers' Circular - 6th February 1924
Source: The Jewelers' Circular - 6th February 1924
Re: Tiffany & Co. Advertisements and Information
Ferdinand T. Haschka, head watchmaker for Tiffany & Co., is confined to his home as a result of an accident which befell him recently in Central Park. Mr. Haschka was walking in Central Park when a youngster on roller skates collided with him and knocked him down. Mr. Haschka's legs were badly bruised.
Source: The Jewelers' Circular - 9th April 1924
Source: The Jewelers' Circular - 9th April 1924
Re: Tiffany & Co. Advertisements and Information
A hospital for contagious diseases, which is to cost $60,000, has been donated to the city of New Britain by Mrs. Alfred Mitchell, was formerly Miss Tiffany, a daughter of the founder of Tiffany & Co., New York. The land on which the hospital is to be erected was purchased some years ago and was formerly the Summer estate of Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell.
Source: The Jewelers' Circular - 20th September 1911
Source: The Jewelers' Circular - 20th September 1911
Re: Tiffany & Co. Advertisements and Information

Tiffany & Co. - New York - 1908
Re: Tiffany & Co. Advertisements and Information
The beautiful silver dinner service presented on May the nineteenth to General Leonard Wood by representative citizens of the Republic of Cuba was ordered by cable from Tiffany & Co. a few days before. The instructions were to send the richest set possible for five thousand dollars, and within a few hours of the receipt of the cablegram this house has selected its superb Indian Chrysanthemum solid silver dinner service and had it on its way to Havana the next day. The service consists of a pair of candelabra, nine lights each, valued at two thousand dollars a pair, also a tureen, a pair of vegetable dishes, pair of double dishes, pair of gravy boats, a salad bowl, a twenty-two-inch meat dish, an eighteen-inch meat dish, a thirteen-inch entree dish, a fourteen-inch serving tray, a handsome centrepiece and four compotiers.
Source: Brooklyn Life - 31st May 1902
Source: Brooklyn Life - 31st May 1902