I am thinking this is a work from Pavel Ovchinnikov, but for some reason the mark has been destroyed, on purpose. I've seen his work on-line and this shotglass is in a very similar style (although much less decorative). I've seen several of his pieces with designs similar to the white "T" at the top of the item. Also, much of his work is in 91 zolotniki (same as this shotglass) which isn't so common. Finally, examples of his work I've found online show the same city mark and Assayer's mark as shown on my shotglass. And the hallmark on my item is the same shape and size as Pavel's mark....except it looks like someone purposely damaged it. You can see the outline of a circle (from about 3 o'clock to 8 o'clock) in the top part of the hallmark leading me to believe it was a different mark at some point, and not the mess it is now.
So, question to the group. Does my theory make sense? If so, why would someone destroy the hallmark on purpose? Maybe it's poor quality so they didn't want to "officially" label it? Maybe it's a prototype of some sort, or a "practice" item? Or, is this a different hallmark that I'm not aware of?