Identifing Russian silvermaker "АН"

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Identifing Russian silvermaker "АН"

Post by Niko »


I am trying to identify the maker of this silver spoon.



The marks seem to be:

H∀ Н‧Д 84
___1835_____[City Mark]

I identify these as:

АН: in Cyrillic alphabet but upside down (?), a Goldsmith mark in AN (latin alphabet)
Н‧Д 1835: In Cyrillic alphabet, ND for Nikolai Dubrovin (Active in Moscow 1822-1855)
84: 84 "zol", 875/1000
City Mark: I see, with some imagination, the St. George from Moscow. It seems turned clockwise to ~90°. But is is not clear.

If I am not wrong, then the goldsmith who apparently did this spoon, according to the interpretation above, marks with "АН" and was probably active in Moscow (or at least went to an assayer in Moscow) during the year 1835.

This would exclude the goldsmiths that I was able to find on this website (link 1, actually no one found) or similar websites (link 2, an Anders Johan Navalinen, but he seems to be active in a successive period): ... marks.html

Of course I emitted the hypothesis that this may not be a assay mark from Moscow, but i do not think this is the case.

The mark, as it is considered to be turned upside down, could theoretically also be written in Latin letters. In this case it would be AH (as in ah) but here too, I was unable to find a goldsmith under these signs.
Or it could be that the A is in fact another letter, even if it seems to be a clear A (it could have been a Д, a V etc.). The same applies to the Н (could be an И etc.). My last hypothesis is that there might even be a goldsmith that accidentally or not marked H∀ as such, with an A upside down.

I would be very glad for any help or hints.

I hope somebody can now reply to my Cyrillic "АН" with a Latin AHHH! ;)


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Re: Identifing Russian silvermaker "АН"

Post by Qrt.S »

It is not that complicated. The assayer is НД and as you also mentioned Nikolay Lukich Dubrovin in Moscow 1822-1855, possibly to 1862. The maker is Cyrillic AH (Latin AN. Very unlike the they are Latin letters used at that time in Moscow). Unfortunately I could not find any known maker for the period. However, there was a to name unidentified maker in Moscow around 1829, but his mark doesn't match to our mark without a dot, so...? Let's wait for other opinions.

Some times the marks are upside-down compared to other marks, but it has no meaning. Usually the assayer's mark is punched in a hurry.
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Re: Identifing Russian silvermaker "АН"

Post by AG2012 »


Qrt.S is right about Moscow,as well as AH (no dot) being unidentified so far.Full list in Ivanov and Skurlov has no AH at the time.
(Another 1836 spoon by AH with better town mark).

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Re: Identifing Russian silvermaker "АН"

Post by Niko »

Thank you both, Qrt.S and AG2012, for your factual and very fast replies!
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