This Mitin/Moor etc. discussion is a complete mess and has been going on here in several threads during the past years with a poor result (read nothing). Use the search function and you will easily find them. Anyway, the below list is what I have managed to collect from the old threads. I would be very happy to see your comments, corrections, amendments...whatever. Feel free to respond and correct. As for me, I'm confused and cannot give you any guarantees that the list is correct. It contains collected information only. It would be nice if we manage to settle this case at least to some extent if not for all.
All active in StP. Please also note that there were other assayers working in StP about the same time, but let us not involve them into this chaos.
BTW, while doing this I happen to stumble into an assayer in StP with the initials ДК, active around 1831-32. Who is he????