Any info would be great. I have done many searches on the web in many different way's. Every day after work for a week now. My head aches.
I have seen others close in some way's.
But still can not narrow it down. I'm thinking it's a ( hh ) made by international? But what do I know.
O yes... I do know it is a fork and a knife..
age, Style, ( Wreath or design ) I can not find.
The marks are unreadable, I'm sure with all the experience out there. Someone will know right away
Please: any help
Thank You
Lorenzo Coco Sr.
Server is Down Changed Location
See photo's here.
http://users.rcn.com/shezs/Silverware/" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
Research yield nothing - unreadable marks - help please
Re: Research yield nothing - unreadable marks - help please
Thank you for the information. Have to admit. I did forget about having this up. I find this site very useful, Even though I could not solve this one myself. It helped with other markings. I still have the set. Again thank you :-)