I think many salt spoons are described as snuff spoons for a good reason; they are rare and more lucrative to be sold that way.
But what are snuff spoons ?
Let me quote Geoffrey Wills, in his book ``Silver:For pleasure and investment``:
"Early eighteenth century SALT examples are miniatures of ordinary spoons. They were followed by some in the shape of a ladle and others with a bowl in the form of a shovel. Miniatures of ordinary spoons were made during the eighteenth century for keeping inside a box to assist in taking SNUFF " (130).
For comparison, snuff spoons are a bit smaller than tea spoons. They were probably used with much bigger table snuff boxes, not with small pocket snuff boxes. And it was very reasonable to have a spoon available within table snuff box in order to fill personal pocket snuff boxes (usually enough quantity for one day use).It appears that sound definition of snuff spoon is justified if found together with table snuff box and by the same maker, which is really very rare situation.