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The Alvin Mfg. Co. in their career have carved out a plan of business of their own, and have attained marked success in their several unique lines of silver work. The company incorporated on Aug. 17, 1887, for the manufacture of sterling silverware and novelties. Wm. A. Jamouneau is president and secretary of the company, and Henry L. Leibe is treasurer. Both are practical mechanics and thoroughly posted in all the technical processes involved in the manufacture of silverware. The business of the company, which took a factory in the large building at 24 Boudinot St., Newark, N. J., increased to such an extent that it became necessary for them to procure more capacious quarters in which to carry on the industry. Their recently erected works are situated near the village of Irvington, N. J. The main building is an immense brick structure two stories high with basement, 120 feet long by 40 feet wide.
Doubtless the most novel and at the same time artistic work turned out by this company is that known as electro-deposit goods. This class of work was invented and brought to a state of commercial success by this firm. An important branch of this special process is the coating of handles for umbrellas and canes. This company have been among the most extensive producers of souvenir spoons.
The company have offices at 860 Broadway, Silversmiths’ Hall, New York.
Source: The Jewelers' Circular and Horological Review - 7th February 1894
C. D. Outten, who is connected with the Alvin Mfg. Co., silversmiths and jewelers, at Fifth Ave. and 35th St.; New York, was the candidate for member of Assembly for the Seventh Assembly District on the Prohibition ticket.
Source: The Jewelers' Circular - 10th November 1909
W. E. Hayward, general sales manager of the Alvin Silver Co., will leave shortly for a trip through the middle west, visiting New York, Pennsylvania, Ohio and Detroit, where he will meet the concern’s salesmen. He will also visit the Chicago office of the concern. The Alvin company has just added two new men to its sales force. They are Robert H. Ingraham, who will travel out of the San Francisco office and cover certain parts of the Pacific Coast, and George Densing, who will leave from Sag Harbor and visit the trade in certain parts of New England. From Sept. 24 to Sept. 29 the Alvin Silver Co. will make a display at the Women’s Activities Exhibit in the Commodore Hotel. The concern will show solid silver ware, flatware, toilet ware and hollow ware.
Source: The Jewelers' Circular - 12th September 1923
George E. Fahys, Jr., of the Alvin Silver Co., will sail for Europe today on the Republic. Mr. Fahys is going abroad for the purpose of gathering data which he will use in advertising a new pattern in silverware which the Alvin concern will shortly put on the market. He will also attend the convention of the Associated Advertising Clubs of the World which is to be held at London and while abroad will broadcast a talk on “The Development of American Silverware.” This talk will be given from the Savoy Hotel in London on or about July 15 and arrangements are being made in America to listen in to the address in New York and to relay it from there to Chicago, thence on to San Francisco, which will probably make it one of the longest, as far as distance is concerned, of any talk that has been given over the air for purely advertising purposes. Mr. Fahys is accompanied by Mrs. Fahys. While in Europe they will visit the battlefields of France and Belgium. Mr. Fahys served as captain of Field Artillery during the war and has recently been appointed a major in the Reserve Corps. He will visit the battlefields as a representative of Forest Hills’ Post, American Legion, of which he is commander.
Seventeen Magazine and a dozen sterling silver manufacturers are launching a “Graduation Time Is Sterling Time” campaign aimed at the high school girl graduate market. The supporting companies are Alvin, Frank Smith, Gorham, Heirloom, International, Kirk, Lunt, Reed & Barton, Steiff, Towle, Tuttle and Wallace.
Source: The American Horologist and Jeweler - April 1957
J. D. Grassick, manager of the Chicago office for the Alvin Corp. recently returned from a three weeks' business trip through the South and reports that the general conditions in that part of the country are fair. After spending a couple of days in Chicago Mr. Grassick left for a week's trip to Milwaukee and the Twin Cities.
Source: The Jewelers' Circular - 14th November 1929