However, the Arrete of August 11, applying the principles of August 4 night, did not contemplate the reform of the Jurande. (2) The obstacles of the Commission delegated to the work delayed the Guilds' abolition which will only be applied in 1791. (3)
On 5 September the Maison commune registered the new Jurande P89 mark, resuming its business. (4)
In August 1789 the financial situation of France was disastrous, the issuance of "Assignat" and the voluntary loans (Emprunts) provided by the finance minister J. Necker had been disappointing.
On 7 September a delegation of female artists asked to be received at the National Assembly and after a patriotic speech they donated their jewels with a voluntary contribution to the "Patrie". (5) This episode activated a civic sense especially in the notables who began to donate their gold and silver objects to raise the state's coffers.
To organize these collections, the National Assembly on 20 September authorized the Directors of the Mint to receive the gold and silver objects for casting (6), but on 22 September promulgated a petition to the King to ask him not to sacrifice the royal silverware. (7)
On September 29, a decree invited the Churches to bring silverware not necessary for worship to the Mint. (8)
On October 6, the National Assembly approved a decree on the "Patriotic Contribution", actually a property tax for all citizens who own assets exceeding 400 pounds of income. The rate was fixed at 25% of income after taxes and 2.5% on the value of all silverware and coins. Art. 21 invited all citizens to bring their silverware to Mint and Art 22 established a reimbursement of 55 pounds for the Paris title. (9) (10)
The Journal de Paris of 20 Oct. 89 Supplement No. 291 documented the donations in the first month, including that of the royal house, and subsequent Supplements accounted for donations at least until July 1790. (11)
Other decrees established the rates for the evaluation to the Mint (12) and the authorization to the Municipalities to receive the gold and silver objects to be transmitted to the Mint. (13)
On November 20, it was approved that all members of the National Assembly donate their silver buckles to the homeland. (14)
The patriotic Contribution continued throughout 1790 (15), and also the perception of the Aides rights including the mark rights on gold and silver objects (16). The National Assembly checked systematically the state of the Contributions and the coins produced with the mergers. (17)
In September 90 a decree established that the District's Judges had the competence for the police disputes on the silver production and trade (18), confirming that fraud was frequent. The orfevres in the same month, worried about the probable Jurande suspension, addressed a petition to the National Assembly to maintain title and marking's control. (19) The trend of the collection of gold and silver materials is systematically monitored (20), (21), (22).
Tastevin, orfevre C. N. Delanoy, from Galerie Art 80, presents the charge A 7 among the branches of A ( 23 Aug - 22 Sep ), Jurande, P 89 and discharge Vine leave 2 (23 Sep - 22 Dec 89).
Gobelet, orfevre N.C. Boutheroe Desmarais, from Proantic, presents Charge A10 among the branches of A ( 23 Nov - 22 Dic ), Jurande P 89 and discharge Vine leave 4, late ( 23 Apr - 22 Sep 1790) .
Cuillere, orfevre G. Gerbu, from eBay, there is no Charge, Jurande P 89 and discharge Vine leave 3 ( 23 Dic- 22 Mar 1790).
Couvert, orfevre A. Maillet, from eBay, presents Charge A3 among the branches of A ( 23 Apr - 22 Mai ), Jurande P 89, and discharge Vine leave 4 ( 23 Apr - 22 Sep 1790).
6 Timbales, orfevre J.R.T not identified, from Proantic, presents Charge A5 to the left of A ( 23 Giu - 22 Lug ), Jurande P 89 and discharge Vine leave 4 ( 23 Apr - 22 Sep 1790 ).
Huilier, orfevre P.M. Mothet, from eBay, presents Charge A among the branches of A ( 23 Lug - 22 Ago ), Jurande P 89, and discharge Vine leave 4 ( 23 Apr - 22 Sep 1790 ).
Couvert, orfevre N.M. not identified, from Galerie Art 80, presents Charge A10 (1 to the left of A and 0 to the right of A) ( 23 Nov - 22 Dic ), Jurande P 89, and discharge Vine leave 2 ( 23 Sep - 22 Dic. 1790 ).
Timbale, orfevre L.J. Thomas, from eBay, presents Charge A10 (1 to the left of A and 0 to the right of A) (23 Nov - 22 Dic ), Jurande P 89, and discharge Vine leave 5 ( 23 Dic - 22 Mar. 1791 ).
Considerations and conclusion
In the period under review, the disastrous financial situation and the consequent activation of the "Contribution patriotique" (also payable with "orfevrerie") in addition to the numerous voluntary donations strongly influenced and limited both the production and trade of gold and silver objects.
The example of the buckles is indicative of the situation that has arisen. After the gift of the Constituents and Notables to the State, those who still wore silver buckles were pointed out by the people as a counter-revolutionary, endangering personal freedom. In fact, the buckles, as well as the vaisselle, have almost disappeared and the majority of the pieces found are of small size and value (couvert, gobelet, timbale, saleron ...) on the contrary, elaborate and expensive objects are rare, testifying to the difficulty of finding the raw material.
Not all the objects found have both Fermier's marks. A small number has only the charge mark (2 pieces) or the discharge mark (1 piece). However, these items are fundamental for the dating months and it was possible to confirm the numbering hypotheses already identified for the Jurande P88 period.
In 1790 the counterclockwise rotation of the progressive charge numbers begins with the number 1 to the right of the A.
The same 1789 numerical sequence is confirmed for discharge marks, also in 1790 : 3, 4, 2 respectively for the periods 23 Dec - 22 Mar, 23 Mar - 22 Sep and, 23 Sep - 22 Dec.
Various monthly charge marks are still unknown and will be subject to further research. I ask all members of the Forum to cooperate in order to complete the documentation of the missing charges.
BIBLIO KALANDRIN P89 (7 Sep 89 – 31 Dic 90)
1) 4 Aout 1789
Procès-verbal de l’Assemblèe nationale imprimè par son ordre. Vol. 2 n. 40 bis pag 41,
2) 11 Aout 1789
Decret relatif à l’abolition des privilèges
Archives parlamentaires 1787 - 1869. Premiere serie Tome VIII. 5 mai 89 – 15 sep 89
3) Michael P. Fitzsimmons The National Assembly and the abolition of guilds in France.
The historical journal vol 39 issue 1 march 1996 pag 133 – 154.
4) 5 Sep 1789
Mis en service a la Maison commune de nouveau poinçon de Jurande P89.
Les Orfevres oubliés de la Revolution francaise. Le poinçon de garantie de Paris 1788 – 1793.
5) 7 Sep 1789
Discours a l’Assembleé Nationale des femmes artiste pour une contribution volontaire.
6) 20 Sep 1789
Decret de autorisation aux Directeurs des Monnoies de recevoir la vaisselle d’argent.
L. 1, 131.
7) 22 Sep 1789
Supplique au Roi de ne pas sacrifier sa vaisselle.
Bd. 1, 89 (Collection Bauduin)
8) 29 Sep 1789
Arrete d’invitation a porter a l’hotel des monnoies le plus prochain, l’argenterie qui n’est pas necessaire au culte divin.
Bd. 1, 96
9) 6=9 Oct 1789
Decret sur Contribution patriotique
- Art 2 Contribution patriotique au quart de revenu dont chacun juit, a deux et demi pour cent de la valeur de l’argenterie et des bijoux d’or et d’argent dont on sers possesssor et de l’or et l’argent monnoyes.
- Art 21 L’Assembleé nationale invite les Particuliers a porter leur argenterie a l’hotel de Monnoies.
- Art 22 L’Assembleé nationale autorise le Tresor public a recevoir l’argenterie au le title de Paris a 58 livre le Marc.
Bd. 1, 105
10) 12 Oct 1789
Proclamation du Roi sur prix de l’or et argent a la Monnoie,
Collection general des Decrets rendu a la Assemblèe nationale. I partie , pag 45 – 49
11) 20 Oct 1789
Journal de Paris Supplement au N° 293/1789
Etat de bijoux & vaisselle d’or et d’argent portés a la Monnoie de Paris depuis le 22 September 1789 jusques & compris le 15 Décember 1789.
et 8 Jan 1790
Journal de Paris Supplement au N° 8/1790
Etat de bijoux & vaisselle d’or et d’argent portés a la Monnoie de Paris depuis le 16 Décember 1789 jusques & compris le 5 Janvier 1790.
1789 juillet-decembre LAUSANNE (Rechercher dans le livre : Etat bijoux)
1790 janvier-juin LAUSANNE (Rechercher dans le livre : Etat bijoux)
12) 30 Oct 1789
Decret sur tarif pour l’evaluation des vaisselle et bijoux portés aux hotel de Monnoies.
L. 1, 198
13) 15=25 Nov 1789
Autorisation aux municipalités de recevoir l’argenterie pour la transmettre aux hotel des Monnoies.
L. 1, 335
14) 20 Nov 1789
Decret pour que tous les Membres de l’Assemblèes nationale fassent à la Patrie le don de leurs boucles d’argent.
Bd. 1, 171
15) 14 Jan 1790
Proclamation du Roi conçernant les declarations pour la contribution patriotique.
Collection general des Decrets rendu a la Assemblèe nationale. I partie , pag 149 – 153.
16) 28 - 31 Jan 1790
Lettre patente du Roi
Tous les octrois, droits d’Aides de toute nature et autres droits y reunis continueront d’etre percu dans la meme forme ef sous le meme regime precedenment etabli, jus q’à ce qui’l ait etè etabli autrement par l’Assemblèe nationale.
Bd. 2, 46
17) 11 Feb 1790
Decret Envoi a l’Assemblèe nationale de l’etat, par le directeurs des Monnoies, de la vaisselle d’argent qui leur a eté remise depuis le 1 Sep 1789 et de numéraire que èlle a produit.
Bd. 2. 114
18) 6 = 11 Sep 1790
Decret relatif a la forme de proceder devant les autorites administratives et judiciares.
L. 2. 33 parag. 9
La competence des jurisdictions soit pour la police des communantes qui travaillent les matieres d’or et d’argent soit pour les contestations entre les particuliers et les orfevres, relatives au commerce d’orfevrerie, appartiendra aux juges de district.
19) 22 Sep 90
Petition anonyme des Orfevres a l’Assemblee Nationale pour conserver le controle de marquage des matieres d’or et d’argent.
In: M. Fitzsimmons. Night the Old Regime ended: August 4 1789, and the french Revolution.
Pennsylvania State University 2003 pag.194 - 195. où il cite:
AN AD XI 65, dossier Orfevres. Document 10
20) 3 =14 Oct 1790
Remise de ètats de vaisselle d’argent au Comité de Finances.
Bd. 7, 5 (Art. 4)
21) 28 Oct = 5 Nov 1790
Remise a l’hotels de Monnoies de l’argenterie des maisons et batiments nationaux non occupès et des èglises où il ne se fera plus de service.
L. 2, 392
22) 26 Nov = 5 Dec 1790
Decret relativ aux bijoux et vaisselle d’or et d’argent portés aux hotel de Monnoies.
Nouveau prix fixés par tarif.
Les Municipalites cesseront de recevoir les vaisselle et bijoux, elles seron tenues de faire pervenir, avant le premier Janvier, aux hotels de Monnoies, les produit de leur recettes. Collection generale des decrets rendus par l’Assemblèe nationale Novembre 1790