Sterling wine taster or salt cellar ???! ID Help!

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Re: Sterling wine taster or salt cellar ???! ID Help!

Post by Aguest »

H.F. Wichmann copyrighted the "Aloha" spoon. ::::: Wall & Dougherty copyrighted the "Honolulu" spoon of which Watson was a subsidiary. :::

All this has already been established, I'm confused why you go over this again. :::

Old books won't solve this mystery, but retrieving the copyright information and documenting new spoons such as the "Aloha" spoon will help to solve the mystery.

The H.F. Wichmann copyright record is pre-1910 and must be considered the original source of this spoon design. :::
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Re: Sterling wine taster or salt cellar ???! ID Help!

Post by dragonflywink »

Please post the pre 1910 H.F. Wichmann copyright record that you say must be considered the original source of this spoon design.

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Joined: Tue Feb 25, 2014 1:26 am

Re: Sterling wine taster or salt cellar ???! ID Help!

Post by Aguest »

The date of the copyright and the company is available but the record request is pending. ::::
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