Zilver Histograaf Schoonhoven / Schoonhoven Hallmarks

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Zilver Histograaf Schoonhoven / Schoonhoven Hallmarks

Post by oel »

Zilver Histograaf Schoonhoven
Schoonhoven Hallmarks.


Today private sellers and auction sites selling silver items on the internet show beautiful digital images of the objects. Including the existing marks on the object being; hallmarks, maker’s mark, retailer’s mark, pseudo mark(s) or other. This also offers opportunities for a new section dedicated to Schoonhoven. The 'Schoonhovense merken' or Schoonhoven Hallmark section.
Our aim is to discover unknown, rare marks used in Schoonhoven. Hopefully we will see the marks used during the guild period of Schoonhoven, which ended around 1807. During the period of the guilds, a lot of the Schoonhoven hallmarks, for example the style and shield shape of the various used year letters and the different Schoonhoven town marks used are unknown. Many maker’s marks used in Schoonhoven are still unknown or not seen before. In general to improve knowledge about the work made in the Silver City of Schoonhoven.
You are invited to show us your silverware made in Schoonhoven, to share knowledge, give information or make corrections. If you have questions, please feel free to ask and open a thread by using the Post reply button. We work together and share knowledge with a team of dedicated specialists. Specialists of silver made in Schoonhoven and also the editors and publishers of the ‘Zilver Histograaf Schoonhoven’
https://zilverhistograaf.nl/zh/wp-conte ... 1-juni.pdf

Schoonhoven history in a nutshell.

In circa 1220 a castle was built on the north side of a small stream called "Zevender", near its mouth at the Lek River. The city of Schoonhoven was then formed near the castle. The oldest reference to the city is in a document from 1247, where it is referred to as Sconhoven. In 1280, it was granted city rights.
Around 1350, city walls and gates were constructed. The city's economy depended on shipping, brewing, fishing and agriculture. Schoonhoven was also the marketplace for the region. In 1518, the castle burned down and its remnants were removed in subsequent decades.
Schoonhoven in 1652 by Joan Blaeu

Between 1582 and 1601 the city's defense walls were renewed and expanded to include the shipyards as well. At this point, the fortifications mainly faced eastward (as can be seen on the 1652 map of Schoonhoven by Joan Blaeu) because of the historically strategically location on the border between the County of Holland and the Bishopric of Utrecht. Following the Disaster Year of 1672, they were reinforced once again and expanded on the west and north sides. Yet in 1816, when bastion fortifications were no longer relevant to the warfare of the time, they were mostly demolished and made way for a cemetery and a park. Nowadays, most of the city walls and gates too have disappeared. The only remaining medieval entrance gate of Schoonhoven is the Veerpoort (Ferry Gate) that faces the Lek River. This Veerpoort has protected Schoonhoven from the floods of the river Rhine and from the sea during the devastating North Sea flood of 1953 and is still fully functional as a water barrier today.
By 1860, the city had 2900 inhabitants. Not until the middle of the 20th century did the city expand beyond the former fortress limits; firstly in a north-westerly direction, and then eastward since the 1990s.

Schoonhoven is traditionally the silver city of the Netherlands. As a Silver City, Schoonhoven is almost 700 years old. After the lords of the castle commissioned the first silversmiths in the 14th century, the city has developed into a unique center of silver craft, industry and art.
In Schoonhoven you will find the national silver museum, the world's largest collections of Dutch silver however it has only a small collection of Schoonhoven silver. The silver museum gives the only silver training course in our country.In schoonhoven you will find modern silver in studios, galleries and workshops of gold and silversmiths spread over the old town. Sometimes in characteristic centuries-old buildings as part of a unique cultural heritage. The largest collection of Schoonhoven silver is located in the Edelambachtshuijs in Schoonhoven and belongs to the family/firm Rikkoert, one of the largest jewellery & silver business in the Netherlands.
https://www.google.com/maps/uv?pb=!1s0x ... ip6BAhlEAM
Together with silver events, many silver activities throughout the year and contemporary objects such as floating silver swans, master signs and imposing silver artworks around the city, they tell about the past, present and future of silversmiths.

Nederlands Zilvermuseum or the Dutch Silver museum is located in Schoonhoven.
https://zilvermuseum.com/?gclid=Cj0KCQj ... NbEALw_wcB

The city of Schoonhoven is 'world famous' as a silver city. This is not least due to the extensive export from Schoonhoven to England and the United States since the second half of the 19th century. To give an impression of the importance: in 1891, according to silver silversmith/manufacturer & salesman Van Willenswaard, Schoonhoven exported 1,500 kilos of silver objects, while according to the Waarborg in 1893, 1,720 kilos of silver were processed for
new domestic use, 'Nieuwe Inlandsche Werken' in the Netherlands! (1.)
Due to demand, the export was often accompanied by the use of 'pseudo' guild hallmarks an/or guild maker's marks (2.)
As a result, questions about Schoonhoven and the pseudo-marks regularly appear on the Forum from England and the US. The city of Schoonhoven has therefore rightly been given its own place within the international Forum.

For general information about Dutch hallmarks see;
For Schoonhoven scroll down;


Wikipedia, city of Schoonhoven, Zilver Histograaf Schoonhoven/Rene Kappers

(1.) Van Willenswaard 1934: ‘In 1891 werd uit Schoonhoven uitgevoerd naar het buitenland 1.500 kg. zilver, voor het merendeel alle antieke modellen’; Collectie Van Dongen Inv.nr. 718; Kappers Getallen uit de 19e eeuw. Zilvercahier 5.0 (Schoonhoven 2003) dia 16.
(.2)Van Willenswaard 1934‘Dit imitatie antiek zilver is toen bij verbazende grote partijen gemaakt en naar het buitenland afgeleverd’; Citroen, Rode Citroen; Vreedenburgh Antiek industrie; Kappers Besamim; idem Zilveren lepel 275/000.
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Re: Schoonhoven Hallmarks

Post by oel »

Links to some of the forum's topics about Schoonhoven maker's marks etc.

Maker's mark AW conjoined for Abraham van Willenswaard

Maker's mark AD 81 in square for Jacobus van Dam

Maker's mark DK above 2 for Cornelis van Dam Kooyman

Maker's mark E above 50 for Gerrit van Ewijck

Maker's mark CC above 58 for Cornelis Capoen

Maker's mark AK above 47 for Adrianus Kuijlenburg Pz,

Maker's mark P in contour and six pointed star for Pieter Vergeer

Maker's mark W.K 122 for Willem Jansz. Kooiman
viewtopic.php?f=5&t=59107&p=194587&hili ... en#p194587

N10 Firma J. P. Niekerk
viewtopic.php?f=5&t=59029&p=194189&hili ... en#p194189

Maker's mark N10 under Crown for: Niekerk Groothandel in Gouden en Zilveren Werken formely known as; J. Niekerk b.v.( or Fa. Gebr. Niekerk/Firm brothers Niekerk) and this particular mark used 1970/1997
viewtopic.php?f=5&t=41807&p=117519&hili ... en#p117519

Fa.(Firm) H. Hooijkaas 1874-2008; Zilverfabriek Schoonhoven

Hendrik & Hermanus Hartman

GD 109 for : Gerrit van der Dussen
viewtopic.php?f=5&t=57244&p=185584&hili ... en#p185584

Pseudo Marks used in Schoonhoven

JK above 1 for: Jacob Kooiman Az
viewtopic.php?f=5&t=56607&p=182820&hili ... en#p182820

VH conjoined above 33 for; Hermanus Jacobus van Halteren
viewtopic.php?f=5&t=56459&p=182190&hili ... en#p182190

Kuipersdissel/ cooper drawbar Pieter Kuypers
viewtopic.php?f=5&t=54693&p=174469&hili ... en#p174469

PH in a rectangle for: Pieter 't Hart

PR above 117 for; Paulus Roesgen or Rösgen
viewtopic.php?f=5&t=53263&p=167984&hili ... en#p167984

A M (with two small triangles) being the maker's mark of Fa.(Firm) Arie Mesker & Zoon (Son)
viewtopic.php?f=24&t=51936&p=161851&hil ... en#p161851

A.J above *D* for; B.H. Driesen ( Fa. A.J. Driesen)
viewtopic.php?f=5&t=26413&p=159715&hili ... en#p159715

LdB3 in rectangle with cut corners for: de Leeuw den Bouter, registered Schoonhoven 1946-1971
viewtopic.php?f=8&t=50078&p=153588&hili ... en#p153588

BS for Bartholomeus Smits registered Schoonhoven 1756-1803, date letter G for 1780
viewtopic.php?f=24&t=50014&p=153314&hil ... en#p153314

The maker's mark PO8 for; Fa. (firm) P. van Oostrom & Zoon (Son), registered with this particular mark in the city of Schoonhoven 1926-1941
viewtopic.php?f=5&t=49141&p=149399&hili ... en#p149399

R above 133 for: Cornelis Rietveld, registered in Schoonhoven 1865/1912.
viewtopic.php?f=5&t=48263&p=145388&hili ... en#p145388
viewtopic.php?f=5&t=38546&p=105170&hili ... en#p105170

VH conjoined over 33 could be for: Hermanus Jacobus van Halteren registered in Schoonhoven 1832-1863
viewtopic.php?f=5&t=45940&p=134852&hili ... en#p134852

The maker's mark is P.H. in a rectangle attributed to: Pleun Hoogendoorn city of Willige Langerak(today part of Schoonhoven) registered in the cities of Utrecht and Schoonhoven from 7th July 1882 - 2nd August 1900(died)
viewtopic.php?f=5&t=45232&p=131757&hili ... en#p131757

IR for; Jan Roozenburg, baptized 1-7-1732, date registered 1765 and died around /after 1806.
viewtopic.php?f=5&t=43646&p=124905&hili ... en#p124905

IK for Jan Kleyn, Schoonhoven 1767-1806
viewtopic.php?f=5&t=43430&p=123964&hili ... en#p123896
viewtopic.php?f=5&t=40198&p=112142&hili ... en#p112142

P71 in a square shield for; Dirk Pelt, Registered in Schoonhoven with this particular mark 1841/1855.

Maker’s mark appears to be a shield with a 'diagonal' bar for: Jan van Eck registered May 1793- 1811 died 1825.
viewtopic.php?f=5&t=40054&p=111799&hili ... en#p111799

The maker’s mark JG1 appears to be for; J.G. Gaillard, registered in the city of Schoonhoven from 1929-1967
viewtopic.php?f=15&t=39938&p=111333&hil ... en#p111333

The maker's mark is GG for: Gerit Regtdoorzee Greup, registered in the city of Schoonhoven from 1864/1915( used 4 different maker's marks)
viewtopic.php?f=5&t=28590&p=108604&hili ... en#p108604

Three dots above AK conjoined the master’s mark of; Andries Jzn Graves Kooiman JZ
viewtopic.php?f=5&t=37340&p=100570&hili ... en#p100570

LS above an arrow for: Leendert Schenkel, registered in Schoonhoven from 1882/1904.
viewtopic.php?f=5&t=37394&p=100483&hili ... en#p100483

The maker’s mark appears to be PR for: Pieter Cornelis Rozenburg, registered 1793-1811 and died 1812.
viewtopic.php?f=5&t=37152&p=99586&hilit ... ven#p99586

P.C. above B* for; Pieter Coenraad Burghoorn
viewtopic.php?f=5&t=36965&p=98904&hilit ... ven#p98904

Makers mark "AL" next to an open bracket on its side with a dot above it (looking like a dish). This stamp is hexagonal in shape for silver smith: Tj. F Landmeter / J. Versluis also known as the Firma A. Landmeter . City of Schoonhoven. Mark used 1957 / v 1994
viewtopic.php?f=5&t=22192&p=52409&hilit ... ven#p52409

The maker's mark; .VH. in "oval"shield for: P. van Heumen, registered in the city of Schoonhoven around 1908- till around 1943.

The maker's mark; K above script number 1 for ; Adrianus G. Kooiman, silversmith registered in Schoonhoven, born 1807- died around 1840

The maker's mark; GG above 102, in square for; Gerrit Frederik van Gelen Ez ( Evert's his son).
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Joined: Wed Mar 21, 2007 8:16 pm
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Re: Zilver Histograaf Schoonhoven / Schoonhoven Hallmarks

Post by oel »

Received this by member “paineite”

Pill box or peppermint box
Essay office mark/Minerva head regional essay office letter M for Schoonhoven, lion passant above 2 for silver fineness 833/000 (not shown), year letter
Gothic D for 1863. Maker's mark GG above 102 for; Gerrit Frederik van Geelen, registered in Schoonhoven 1-2-1853 till 20-05-1880(deceased 1888). He was known for making small silver items like boxes, purse frames etc.

For more information about Gerrit and his family, generations of silversmiths see:

https://docplayer.nl/169925310-Het-zilv ... f-mol.html

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