I have been advised to look at the maker’s mark of German East Friesland or Ostfriesland (Ostfriesische Landschaft ) as mentioned by Horst H. Adrians in is book;
Riechdosen und kleinsilber aus Ostfriesland. The maker’s mark
MR conjoined, in various shield shapes has been mentioned for; Martinus Reyken (Rieken), born in 10-02-1765 in Freepsum, as son of silversmith Reyke Martinus Reyken, who died after/around 1818 in Emden, and registered as gold-silversmith 10-08-1790.
NB. The town mark of Emden with year letter is not present. See:
https://www.925-1000.com/forum/viewtopi ... en#p108222
We also find a
HR conjoined for Hajo Rykena, baptised in 1753 in the city of Norden but not a match:
The fact; the crowned O struck twice. Why? Perhaps the first a miss truck and done a second time?
I am not sure if Martinus Reyken is the maker of this Cowrie Shell Trefid Spoon? I leave it for our German experts to judge.
ource: Riechdosen und Kleinsilber aus Ostfriesland Horst H. Arians.