The counter marks you've mentioned are simply reflections of the indentation that the marks have left when they've been punched, if you know what I mean, but hopefully you can see what I mean here:AG2012 wrote:The back of the marks is completely wrong; what are those strange counter marks, irregular impressions, pitting - arrow 1?
They are really not supposed to be here.
Even if the clock was repaired and removed from the frame, there are issues when it was put back (there was no need for excessive filing arrow 2).
Conclusion,nice British clock was ruined by fake Russian marks to make it more lucrative.
Hopefully, this practice is about to end soon.
Not trying to doubt you at all, and I too am heartily annoyed that there's so many fakes as I do have clients for real pieces, but I'd like you to have all the info about it and I very much appreciate you (and others) taking the time replying.
(admin edit - see Posting Requirements )