I've recently aquired this lovely late 18th hundred century tureen. The Presentoir was made by Nicolas Fauconnier, 1787, Paris. The turren was made by Louis-Jean-Baptiste Cheret, 1789, Paris.
Fauconnier mark on Presentoir
Cheret mark on tureen (more marks on the stand and lid)
It is probably safe to say that the maker is correctly attirbuted to L-J-B Cheret as there are other tureens that share similar embelishments, forms and parts (e.g. (admin edit - see Posting Requirements )) which are mentioned and displayed in many publications about French Goldsmiths and attributed to him.
There is another object that was listed at Christie's last year where both goldsmiths worked together as well, that shows the same makers marks. However it was falsely attribute in the lot description to Louis Cartier, who didn't live at that time and registered only at 1847 with a different mark:
(admin edit - see Posting Requirements )
To complete my documentation I'm looking for a reference where the makers mark of Louis-Jean-Baptiste Cheret is documented. As I only have access to E. Beuque (Dictionnaire des Poincons de maitres-orfèvres francais) where only his father Jean-Baptiste-Francoir Cheret as well as Nicolas Fauconnier are listed I wanted to ask if someone of the community with acces to Nocq, Arminjon and/or Markezana could check if the makers mark are listed there?
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks and Cheers