This is a soda/ice tea produced by an unknown source with the pattern being re-named Pioneer for the Dohrman Hotel Supply Company on their Dohrco brand name. Unfortunately, until it can be matched to an existing pattern there is no way to give an "earliest possible" dating to it. To be sure, there could be other La Palma named users, but they would have to be located west of the east border of Texas to be in the known Dohrmann operating area. The name would need to be in capital letters. And the dating would have to fit, so the La Palma Chicken Pie Shop & Bakery in Anaheim (a restaurant 1957-2015) near Disneyland might not fit here with their mid-century furniture (bent plywood chairs etc.). Dohrmann was using the Dohrco name rather early on and was operating in Los Angeles as Dohrmann-Parmelee from an early merger until a name change after the complete takeover. I've checked several usual suspect lines and have not spotted the design, although I may have overlooked it, being an idiot and all. TIA Here's the object: