Unusual Hanoverian Teaspoon

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Unusual Hanoverian Teaspoon

Post by dognose »


This is an unusual teaspoon, it is a fancy-back Hanoverian pattern of a type you would expect to find c.1850, but it has an incised 1784/5 Duty mark and it has no makers mark or any sign that it ever had one.
The Lion Passant is a provincial one and it is just under 5" in length.
It is possible that it was made to replace one from a missing set.
Any thoughts?

Regards Trev.

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Post by Granmaa »

The typo in the first line should be c.1750.

Your explanation is the only thing I can think of; it can't possibly have been made before 1784. Strange there's no maker's mark though; could it have worn off?

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Post by dognose »

Hi Miles,

Thanks for spotting the typo. The spoon is in excellent condition with very little wear and there is no evidence of a makers mark ever having been struck. I feel this error would never happen in London, where the control was undoubtingly stricter, that and the Lion Passant points to the provinces, which one, in your opinion?

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Post by Granmaa »

I'm sorry I can't narrow it down any further, but I wouldn't like to rule out Exeter, York or even Newcastle.
I see so few provincial teaspoons of this era. I'll keep my eyes open for one matching yours.

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Post by dognose »

I think Newcastle can be ruled out, their first Duty Mark was contained within an oval.

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Post by Granmaa »

I had forgotten about this post. I've recently been looking into hallmarking on Newcastle teaspoons, and this lion jumps out at me now in a way which it did not two years ago. As you know, Trev, I've been looking for a Newcastle incuse duty mark, so perhaps my eagerness might be clouding my judgement.
The lion resembles very closely the lions used on many confirmed Newcastle spoons at this time. Compare it to the Langlands and Robertson spoons. I know Jackson's and other hallmark books put the Newcastle duty in a roundish cartouche, but, as we both know, teaspoon marking has a law of its own. See the duty mark on the Pinkney and Scott tongs.


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Post by dognose »

Ha! Like you, I had also forgotten about this post, and I cringed when I read my coments on the Newcastle oval Duty mark!

Yes It does look a good match for Newcastle, how interesting.

Thanks Miles.

Regards Trev.
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Post by Granmaa »

I've got some very embarrassing early posts which I wouldn't mind deleting! I suppose I should I look at them as evidence that I''ve learnt at least a few things.

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