Hello Members
Question for Amena (our Italian member)
Can you give me an explanation of the spelling of Michangelo's name on this bronze plaque?
Is this a very early spelling ?is there a reason it is written like this?
Regards Guido.
Italian name on bronze plaque?
Re: Italian name on bronze plaque?
He was mocked by idle people in Rome who spent the whole day drinking wine, while he was working hard on his projects. When entering the tavern very tired in the evening he was greeted ``Buonasera Buonarroto`` (rhyming allusion to his Tuscan name). And he responded ``Buonasera culi rossi`` (allusion to their red asses for being idle and sitting in the tavern the whole day).
Re: Italian name on bronze plaque?
amena wrote:Yes, it is one of the many versions of his name.
Look here
Many thanks Amena,
well done,I did not realize he had so many different versions of his name (about 70) amazing ,now that is what you call being famous.
In my opinion one of the best artists (sculptors) in history.
I always say he would be rolling over in his grave,at some of art and sculpture of our modern times.
Again great work. Regards Guido.