I have a “serving size” spoon with a possible 12 loth mark on. Hopefully below there is a composite picture of the marks, the spoon and maybe some history of the spoon.
My assumption is that this is a “German” spoon as it has the “12” mark and because it has that “zigzagging” or "Tremolierstich” on its stem apparently used to assay the silver with. ( Konigsberg is also a clue.)
The spoon shape is not obviously “British” but is it typical of any country, area or period? Also why has the spoon been double marked with “HD”? I assume “HD” is the maker’s mark but has the maker struck “HD” again because he is also the Guild Assayer? Can any one identify which Town Guild the spoon was made at? I have seen “HD” and Carl Heinrich Dengel listed in a post that I viewed but the image seemed unavailable to me.
I assume the spoon was made around the date 1852 that is engraved on it. From one of this forum’s other posts I read about the "kaptajnskeer” spoons that maybe this spoon is. This spoon has both the port of “Konigsberg” and “Ships Chandler” (a translation by a friend) on. I hope some of my thoughts about the spoon are correct but please put me right and tell me anything else you can about the spoon.
As a postscript, case a person with naval interest finds this post, the spoon has the monogram “WBR” on. It came to me unknowingly, from an auction not far from the North Sea port of Newcastle.
Image https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/-RlwP ... MP+SPN.jpg