mystery ring

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mystery ring

Post by belaryder »

This is a very unusual ring my Great Aunt left me years ago. She lived in China when she was young, and the stone on top looks sort of like a lotus or possibly a rose. It doesn't have a hallmark that I can find. I am interested to know if anyone has any ideas about where this may be from, what time period, or any information at all. I used to think it was coral, but a it may possibly be red jade.ImageImage
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Post by Ohimesama »

I've been doing a lot of research about asian jewelry lately, if it's kinda plastic-y looking and not a hard stone, it may be cinnabar... hope that helps, I'm still learning!
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mystery ring

Post by kerangoumar »

put the red part against your face. If it is cold it is some sort of stone; if it is room- or body-temperature it is either cinnabar (though it does not seem so, given that there is no indication of multiple layers) or composite/plastic
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