I have a Canfield bro&co coin silver spoon and another that is Canfield bro&co without coin on it was wondering if maybe it wore off please help
Please help
Re: Please help
Welcome to the forum. Not all coin silver was marked coin. I would take both pieces to be coin silver without hesitation.
Re: Please help
thank you very much I thought they both were I am a super novice when it comes to silverware and silver plated this site is very informative thank you very much
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Re: Please help
And one more spoon that I have question about
BSTILLMAN and it's got initials HB I believe would this also be coin silver
BSTILLMAN and it's got initials HB I believe would this also be coin silver
Re: Please help
:::: Barton Stillman of Rhode Island who died 1837 looks like a good possibility. ::::::
::::: The Canfield & Bro marked "COIN" is definitely solid silver (90% silver). But I just want to make absolutely sure that the other spoon is solid silver (90% silver). I've had some difficulty in the past determining the difference between CANFIELD & BRO coin silver vs. CANFIELD & BRO silver plated spoons. I remember telling myself to be careful about CANFIELD & BRO. ::::::::
::::: The Canfield & Bro marked "COIN" is definitely solid silver (90% silver). But I just want to make absolutely sure that the other spoon is solid silver (90% silver). I've had some difficulty in the past determining the difference between CANFIELD & BRO coin silver vs. CANFIELD & BRO silver plated spoons. I remember telling myself to be careful about CANFIELD & BRO. ::::::::
Re: Please help
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As previously advised, please start a new topic with each item.