I bought this years ago not knowing what it was other than a belt buckle. It was heavily tarnished…solid black and it took a long time to remove the tarnish so that I could even see there were any markings. It tested a solid 925. I’ve had it looked at many times but couldn’t find anything about it. Extremely precise hallmarks and has medieval style markings. I’ve had this for years and have never found anything on it. I have a feeling someone here might what this is. Enjoy and Thank you so much!!!!
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Mystery tested 925 silver belt buckle...heavy. Amazing hallmarks.
Re: Mystery tested 925 silver belt buckle...heavy. Amazing hallmarks.
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Re: Mystery tested 925 silver belt buckle...heavy. Amazing hallmarks.
??? Never seen this row of mark before on any Finnish object. I investigate and revert to this asap.
Re: Mystery tested 925 silver belt buckle...heavy. Amazing hallmarks.
You would have expected the marks on the inside of the buckle. Here they are in full view, perhaps that is why the marks have been embellished.
To me, the maker's mark appears to be a stylized L with a dash in the shape of a comma.
To me, the maker's mark appears to be a stylized L with a dash in the shape of a comma.
Re: Mystery tested 925 silver belt buckle...heavy. Amazing hallmarks.
Food for thoughts.
Walter van Dievoet in his Répertoire général des orfèvres et des marques d'orfèvrerie en Belgique II - Algemeen repertorium van de edelsmeden en van de merken van edelsmeedwerk in België II 1798-1942, shows a L with a dash in the shape of a comma for Philippe Lombaerts, silversmith, active in the Belgian city of Vilvoorde 1829-?
The obligatory assay, marking and marking duty in Belgium were abolished effective on 1st January 1869, makers' marks were no longer obligatory and not registered. If no hallmarking was desired the maker could use any self selected standard of fineness and indicate it the way he thought fit.
Perhaps made in Philippe's twilight years or by his successor (relative)? Also it does not explain the first two marks, the crown(?)in square and the letter C or crescent in circle. 🤣 Or maybe made for the German market, and the crescent moon and crown is in the wrong position? The letter and number type resembles Art Nouveau period,1890-1914 .
Source; Walter van Dievoet - Répertoire général des orfèvres et des marques d'orfèvrerie en Belgique II - Algemeen repertorium van de edelsmeden en van de merken van edelsmeedwerk in België II 1798-1942 and Netherlands'Responsibility marks from 1797, The hallmarks of the kingdom of Belgium.
Re: Mystery tested 925 silver belt buckle...heavy. Amazing hallmarks.
Oh WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You guys are amazing!!!!!! You found it!!!!! I can't thank you enough!!!!! Yes....that L' thing drove me nuts for years trying to find it. Unbelievable.