Portrait miniature on a gold bracelet clasp frame. Paris, 1778-1779¿

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Portrait miniature on a gold bracelet clasp frame. Paris, 1778-1779¿

Post by jaume »


This is a gold bracelet clasp frame with a miniature portrait of an artillery officer.

I acquired it for my collection combining two of my hobbies.
It measures 4 x 3.2 cm's.
I liked it because it had the marks quite well defined.

There are certain marks that offer no doubts:
1.- Charge for Paris. Five-letter figure PARIS, for regency of Jean-Baptiste Fouache (1775-1781)
2.- Crowned letter P for Paris (1778-1779)

For the third mark, I have some doubts. I think it is a human foot but I read in the Nocq that it would be for gold pieces coming from abroad?

And as for the goldsmith, I am only able to distinguish a capital letter T under the first "grain de remède". I am not able to distinguish the goldsmith's symbol.

Do you think you could help me one more time?

Thanks and regards.


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Re: Portrait miniature on a gold bracelet clasp frame. Paris, 1778-1779¿

Post by jaume »

I add a better image of the goldsmith's mark.


Thank you.

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Re: Portrait miniature on a gold bracelet clasp frame. Paris, 1778-1779¿

Post by JayT »

Thomas-Marie Philippe

Hello Jaume
I believe the maker of your object to be Thomas-Marie Philippe, received as a master 26 August 1778 sponsored by Pierre-Antoine Baudin. Philippe registered his mark in Paris 2 September 1778, working on rue St-Denis. His mark was initials TP, symbol a Holy Spirit (un saint Esprit). Nocq says he had moved to the provinces as of 10 December 1781.

See Nocq, v.3, p. 323.

Therefore this is an example of Philippe’s early work.

As for the foot, it is an import mark. However, the metal parts of your bracelet were clearly made in Pari according to the marks. Could the import mark relate to the portrait miniature? What do you think?

Hope this helps.

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Re: Portrait miniature on a gold bracelet clasp frame. Paris, 1778-1779¿

Post by jaume »

Hi JayT,

Thanks for the information you give me. Next days I will visit Barcelona to consult the Nocq there. It is not clear to me that the object or symbol under the letters is the representation of the holy spirit (which is represented by a bird flying downwards) but i'm not sure. Do you know if the Philippe's hallmark appears on the Nocq?

I didn't know this goldsmith. I have not been able to find news or pieces manufactured by him. I will continue investigating your proposal.

I have been looking at some works by the goldsmith Toussaint Bingant. It seems that various members of this family of goldsmiths had similar hallmarks and the Nocq indicates that they did not have a "different." One of them was admitted as a master goldsmith in 1748 and another in 1750. I found a hallmark with the same initials.

Of the many attributions to T. Bingant I have only found one clear image of his hallmark or possible mark (Maybe there is a symbol of holy spirit too?)


And the other unknown is the foot, Fouache's "décharge" mark. I don't understand. I don't think the reason could be the origin of the miniature. I think they are two different objects. And sometimes they can be from different periods. In this case it seems that the uniform stopped being worn in 1774 so it was either painted with a uniform outside the legislation (anything is possible) or it was framed or reframed later (1778-79)

Thanks again and regards.

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Re: Portrait miniature on a gold bracelet clasp frame. Paris, 1778-1779¿

Post by JayT »

Hello Jaume
Nocq gives a description of Philippe’s mark, not a drawing. Based on experience, I’m confident that this is a worn representation of the Holy Spirit. You could look at the index in Nocq to see all marks that use a Holy Spirit as a symbol for comparison.
I don’t think that Bingnat is your maker.
Good luck in your ongoing research.
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Re: Portrait miniature on a gold bracelet clasp frame. Paris, 1778-1779¿

Post by jaume »

Thanks again JayT,

I will continue researching your line and if I have news I will share it with you all.


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