Any help with dating or IDing this Peruvian tupu spoon?

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Any help with dating or IDing this Peruvian tupu spoon?

Post by Spartcom5 »

Bought this and so far all can really figure is that it is from Peru probably 1800s and that it is possibly a tupu? Can anyone help me out with it? I'd love to know a possible time period and maybe a maker? The maker is most likely impossible but worth a shot! Also, I believe that the spoon should be straight but someone curled the silver handle? Thanks for any help!
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Re: Any help with dating or IDing this Peruvian tupu spoon?

Post by Aguest »

::::: The "Craquelure" or the pattern of breakage on the spoon is indicative of Ingot Silver (sometimes called "Ingot Stamped Silver") and there is a lecture by a Navajo (Diné) Silver Expert that describes the process of melting down coins, or silver slugs (ingots) to make a piece of silver jewelry, and it is indicative of silver that was produced before 1930. ::::::

:::::: The spoon-form Tupu, as this example seems to be, were primarily made at the end of the 18th C. until the end of the 19th C. ::::::

:::::: I'm not sure how to tell if this is an early or a later Tupu. ::::::: Interesting to know if anybody is a Tupu expert and would be able to know if this is circa 1800 or circa 1880, I'm not quite sure how to tell the difference. :::::::::
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