Hello! Bought a beautiful gold plated print recently and was hoping I could find out more about its origins. I had a friend translate the certificate, but even with that information I don't fully understand the composition of the plate (ie does 'gold plating' refer to the gilded parts, or the plate itself?) nor can I find any other information about the company that stamped it or the artist named on the certificate.
Here is a closeup of the 2 stamps- a kind of E3 symbol, an oval that says 'gold plated 24k' inside, and a number indicator for the print in the series (170/200).
Here is a photo of the certificate
And a picture of the entire item in the frame I bought it in (price still attached lol)
Any information at all would be helpful - ideally, I would love to know the company that stamped it and that will help me track down the rest of the artist's work!
Identify marks on Gold Chromolithograph
Re: Identify marks on Gold Chromolithograph
The certificate states that
The plate is gilded with 999.9 per thousand gold, then the design is reproduced on the gilded plate, using silkscreen printing or another similar system. The title of the work is lagoon, obviously that of Venice
The painter, Vincenzo Balsamo is not to be confused with the namesake born in Brindisi in 1935.
The mark is identical to the brand of Enrico Benetti, a manufacturer of bags, but I can't say if it's a coincidence or if the company has marketed these plates in the past
The plate is gilded with 999.9 per thousand gold, then the design is reproduced on the gilded plate, using silkscreen printing or another similar system. The title of the work is lagoon, obviously that of Venice
The painter, Vincenzo Balsamo is not to be confused with the namesake born in Brindisi in 1935.
The mark is identical to the brand of Enrico Benetti, a manufacturer of bags, but I can't say if it's a coincidence or if the company has marketed these plates in the past