"Mercure” Head, French Export Mark Clarification Please

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Essexboy Found
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"Mercure” Head, French Export Mark Clarification Please

Post by Essexboy Found »

Hello, I need a little clarification regarding the “Mercury” head, French export mark that was used 1838/40 -1878. I think this is it, on a piece of hollowware I recently bought.


With the later 1878 –1973 export silver mark there is a discernible difference between the 1st standard and 2nd standard marks. Was this also the case in the earlier period? I know that my item’s maker’s dates are circa 1855 but there is no Minerva head to the confirm the silver standard. There are quite a lot of posts on the Forum relating to the “octagonal” cartouche export mark, mentioning the 950 standard, but in the absence of a Minerva head would the Mercury head just guarantee 800 parts silver? Or does it only guarantee export and not even silver at all?

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Re: "Mercure” Head, French Export Mark Clarification Please

Post by JayT »

The Minerva head mark is not found on French silver specifically made for export. In other words, Mercury replaces Minerva.

The shape of the reserve around the Mercury head mark indicates the silver standard, either octagonal for 950 standard or barrel shaped for 800 standard. To judge from your blurry photo, your item is 950 standard silver.

Please consult the table of French hallmarks for full information:


Essexboy Found
Posts: 131
Joined: Tue Mar 17, 2020 6:17 pm

Re: "Mercure” Head, French Export Mark Clarification Please

Post by Essexboy Found »

Thank you JayT. I have been around and around reference sections but our reference section does not confirm the good news you are telling me. I could not find a reference to the mark used 1838-1878 and the caption above the 1878 onwards images only says 1878-1973 which leaves "you" hanging. Unfortunately not everything is there to be found in our reference sections and I looked at double figure posts and did not find exactly what you are telling me now. I assume there is no updating system for the reference section to account for lots more years information generated since formation.
Thank you again for your information and time.

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