Hello-I have an interesting spoon here with apparent marks from Alexander Macrae. To the left of the AM mark is what appears to be 3 castle towers: does this indicate an Edinburgh origin? To the right of the AM mark is a double S mark -does this indicate sterling silver or something else?
Thank you in advance for your help… this website is awesome!!
Pictures in link below
Alexander Macrae marks
Re: Alexander Macrae marks
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Re: Alexander Macrae marks
Hi, see Danish three tower mark , Danish hallmarks overview, assayers and maker's initials marks.
Re: Alexander Macrae marks
Could be Anders Jensen Marcussen born 31.3.1844 in Tiset, active in Haderslev (DK) as watchmaker. He made except clocks also spoons. But his objects usually carry the town mark of Haderslev, so...? Marcussen was active (1869). He died 16.1.1922.
SG is the punch of assayer Simon Groth 1863-1904 in CPH. (looks like 1912 in the town mark). Unfortunately Danish punches are often "this and that". Anyway, there might be other alternatives, let's wait for other opinions.
SG is the punch of assayer Simon Groth 1863-1904 in CPH. (looks like 1912 in the town mark). Unfortunately Danish punches are often "this and that". Anyway, there might be other alternatives, let's wait for other opinions.