Some London Advertisements and Information

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Re: Some London Advertisements and Information

Post by dognose »


1, Upper Gloucester Street, Clerkenwell, London

Notice is hereby given, that the Partnership heretofore subsisting between John Henry Williamson and John Spinks Horton, under the firm of Williamson and Horton, at No. 1, Upper Gloucester-street, Clerkenwell, in the county of Middlesex, in the trade or business of Silversmiths, was this day dissolved by mutual consent.— As witness our hands this 28th day of January, 1871.
J. H. Williamson.
John Spinks Horton.

Source: The London Gazette - 3rd February 1871

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Re: Some London Advertisements and Information

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11, Suffolk Place, Lower Road, Islington, London

We do hereby mutually agree to dissolve our Partnership this 23rd day of August 1850, in the business of Silversmiths, Jewellers, and General Salesmen, at the house and premises, No. 11, Suffolk-place, Lower-road, Islington.
Theodore Roe.
Thomas Cogswell.

Source: The London Gazette - 27th August 1850

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Re: Some London Advertisements and Information

Post by dognose »


435, Strand, London

Notice is hereby given, that the Partnership lately subsisting between us the undersigned, Henry James Crambrook and John Alfred Faulkner, carrying on the business of Silversmiths and Jewellers, at No. 435, Strand, in the county of Middlesex, under the firm of J. A. Faulkner and Co.. has been this day dissolved by mutual consent. Dated this 16th day of August, 1869.
Henry James Crambrook.
John Alfred Faulkner.

Source: The London Gazette - 17th August 1869

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Re: Some London Advertisements and Information

Post by dognose »

BULLER & Co., Ltd.

6-8, Charterhouse Street, London

Buller & Co., Limited.—Directors: G. C. Buller, W. A. H. Buller, E. T. A. Hooker, and R. Mayer. Secretary: I. N. Cameron. Office: 6-8, Charterhouse Street, E.C.— The company was registered December 22, 1903, to acquire a business of manufacturing jewellers of the firm of the same name. The authorised capital is £175,000 in shares of £1, £100,000 being in 5 per cent. cumulative preference, having a priority also as to capital, and £75,000 in ordinary, and all the preference shares and £58,692 of the ordinary have been subscribed and called up, all the shares except seven ordinary having been issued as fully paid. There is also £50,000 debenture stock, secured on the entire undertaking. The accounts are made up annually to June 30. Debenture interest is paid to date. The company being of a private character further information is not obtainable, but this is official. Voting power, one vote for every share, but preference shareholders only vote under special circumstances. Director’s qualification, 500 shares. Transfer form, common; fee, 2s. 6d. Telegraphic address, Rascazon, London. Telephone number, 321 Holborn.

Source: The Stock Exchange Year-Book - 1908

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Re: Some London Advertisements and Information

Post by dognose »



Edward and Calvin Romer, of London, Eng., manufacturing jewelers, have been visiting at Canton, O. In an interview with a Canton reporter they speak of the Dueber-Hampden Watch Works as a magnificent institution.

Source: The Manufacturing Jeweler - 16th May 1895

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Re: Some London Advertisements and Information

Post by dognose »


128, New Bond Street, London

Frank Hyams Ltd. - London - 1911

Frank Hyams Ltd. - London - 1911

Frank Hyams Ltd. - London - 1911

Frank Hyams Ltd. - London - 1911


Frank Hyams Ltd. closed late 1913/early 1914 and was succeeded by Ernest J. Lowe, a former secretary to the company.

Frank Hyams Ltd. entered their marks, 'F H Ld.', contained within a quatrefoil punch, with the London Assay Office on 1st May 1903, 22nd May 1903, and 3rd February 1909.
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Re: Some London Advertisements and Information

Post by dognose »


Hatton Garden, London

Cropp and Farr, manufacturing jewelers of Hatton Garden, have won their case in the King’s Bench Division in which they sought to recover $10,000 damages from a firm of hotel proprietors in connection with the loss of a bag of jewelry at a hotel operated by the latter. The jewelry firm’s case was that their traveling representative handed the bag of sample jewelry into the safe keeping of the hotel management. The last time the bag was seen was at 6 a. m. by the night porter. The defendant company denied that the bag was entrusted to the care of the manager of its Portsmouth hotel—the Grand Central—or that there was any negligence. The court decided the bag was stolen from the hotel and that the hotel people were responsible for its safe keeping. Its loss was due to negligence on the part of the “innkeepers” or their servants. The amount of damages is to be agreed upon by both parties or, failing that, is to be fixed by an official referee. The jewelers also get costs.

Source: The Jewelers' Circular - 6th June 1929

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Re: Some London Advertisements and Information

Post by dognose »


Aldersgate Street, London

Two bold youths were caught the other day while endeavoring to affect a coup at the jewelry store of Sam Bloom, Aldersgate St. It is a lock-up shop, and when a policeman saw a youth walking about the shop early in the morning in his shirt sleeves he “smelled a rat.” Another youth was walking around outside and it developed he was keeping watch. In a few minutes the place was surrounded by police. A pile of watches, pendants and lockets was found stacked on the floor ready for removal through a hole that had been cut in the ceiling, and through which a rope dangled.

Source: The Jewelers' Circular - 8th June 1921

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Re: Some London Advertisements and Information

Post by dognose »


363, Mare Street, Hackney, London

Sydney Meadows - London - 1890


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