French Silver Tastevin Wine Tasters 1760s?

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French Silver Tastevin Wine Tasters 1760s?

Post by amw »

My elderly friend inherited her grandmother’s silver, and the boxes contained some great stuff, including these several wine tasters, or tastevin, but I am challenged by the French Marks. They seem to be 18th century, if I am reading Tardy right. We have four like this, and another one with a crowned I.
There is a crowned A, a crowned trio of Fleur de lis, and BB with a dagger(?) above it. Are they 1760s? Is the crowned A, a date mark or a town mark? Also — any books in English about these sommelier cups? Thanks so much for any help, I’ve been puzzling for months.


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Post by Juke »

I don't see the marks to resemble any charge marks, makers marks or town marks of 18th century period.

Also the engravings has a feel of being machine made so possibly a later copy.

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Post by swisssilver »

not sure
the first mark "A crowned" could be 1669 from Paris
the second mark could be the décharge mark, it has a lot off resembles with the mark "décharge" from 1672 to 5 august 1677 from Paris
greatings Koen
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