Hi Miles,
A lovely pair of tongs. I'm with Clive on these, I don't think the repair matters - they are still gorgeous. As to where they were made, thats interesting. There is definitely a possibility of Irish origin, the concavity of the arms helps lead to that conclusion, there are some similarities with the following (see
http://www.silversugartongs.com" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;) Daniel Popkins, John Power & IB/JB, however I'm not happy about the feather edging being Irish. This steers me back to London. See the William Fearn tongs on the web-site.
Just to add confusion to the issue, those bowls look very Scottish to me, but maybe I'm just being fanciful??
You identify them as "cast" tongs. I'm not so sure. The early tongs were made from a single piece of silver, rolled and cut. They were given their "concavity" to add strength. There's a nice pair of Stephen Adams I concave tongs with a feather edge on the web-site. Having said that your pair of tongs do look quite robust which tends to suggest casting. Can you see any of the usual rough finish, particularly in the bowls? This is a dead giveaway for casting. As for the maker - sorry I have no idea