Need help with hallmark on 3 flakons

Item must be marked "Sterling" or "925"
PHOTOS REQUIRED - marks + item
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Need help with hallmark on 3 flakons

Post by Evelyn_dill »

Hello everybody,

from my honeymoon in Canada I've brought the following flakons:" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;

I would like to get information of the manufacture, production time and the silversmith.
Maybe someone also knows something about the historical background of these flakons?

I took detailed pictures of the stamps of all three bottles, since they probably only together will give a complete picture of the hallmark result." onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;

Thank you in advance for your efforts!

Greetings from Germany,

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Post by dognose »

Hi Evelyn,

Welcome to the Forum.

That's one of the marks used by the Alvin Corporation of Providence, Rhode Island. See:" onclick=";return false;

Bottom mark on the left hand side.

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Post by dragonflywink »

Welcome to forums, Evelyn - and congratulations on your marriage! That's a lovely trio of Alvin scent bottles, unusual to find a set. Alvin made a large variety of beautiful silver deposit ware (sometimes called silver overlay), often using high quality glassware blanks, a knowledgable glass collector might be able to identify the American manufacturer that produced yours. If you notice the white backing on the silver, this was an improvement to the silver deposit technique, making it more attractive through the clear glass. The improvement was patented in the U.S. in 1892 by John H. Scharling, in 1895 Alvin bought Wymble Manufacturing, the company that held the patent, the sale included the rights to the patent. Unfortunately the gentleman who invented the technique decided to, with some relatives, form a company to produce similar bottles using the same technique. Alvin won a court case against them for patent infringement, but in the meantime, they placed an 1897 advertisement in a trade publication, proclaiming their ownership pf the patent. Your lovely pieces most likely date from around the mid 1890s into the 1920s.


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