Is this napkin ring marked with "posthorn" silver?

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Niek van Wijk
Posts: 22
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Is this napkin ring marked with "posthorn" silver?

Post by Niek van Wijk »

Dear Forum,

I acquired recently two napkin rings. The only mark on them is a small "posthorn". Is this a silver mark? From which country? Could anyone help me to identify this mark? Thank you in advance, Niek
Posts: 870
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Location: Portugal

»Post horn« maybe owners sign only?

Post by silverport »

Goede morgen Niek

I don’t know any »Mail horn« anywhere on the globe which is a symbol for silver fineness itself!

Some producers have a »horn« chosen for to be a part of her trademark.

It is not “normal” by this kind of items to place a trademark in such a premium position — but it would be done as well, if a client likes to have there his owners sign; e.g. for canteens, hotels, or restaurants.

One producer which I know has had for his trademark a similar one — but mirrored. It was a German Silver Ware and Metal Ware Factory: Reißmüller & Co., Waldstetten, Württemberg (Waldstetten is a little town with some Silverware manufactory’s - near Schwäbisch Gmünd, one of the German Centre for Silver products).

I guess — out of my experience — that your napkin rings aren’t “Silver”; they are Electro Plated.

Prettige Paasdagen, silverport
Niek van Wijk
Posts: 22
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Location: The Netherlands

Post by Niek van Wijk »

Beste Silverport,

Thank you for your quick (and early!) reaction. Your greetings are in Dutch: Are you Dutch living in Portugal or Portugese speaking Dutch?
Concerning the napkin ring: I already doubted that they were silver but until I found this forum yesterday I had no "proof". I have a few more objects on which I would like to have further information. I will take some pictures soon and post them, hoping not to trouble the members too much with those.

Hartelijke groeten en nogmaals dank, Niek
Niek van Wijk
Posts: 22
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Location: The Netherlands

Post by Niek van Wijk »

Beste Silverport,

I assume you just sent me a Private message. Trying to open it, I receved this automated message: "Sorry, your postcount must be 40 or greater in order to send, save, read and reply to your received private messages (PM)."

Or I must post some 30 messages immediately to be able to read it, or it will take some while....

Sorry for that,

Met hartelijke groeten,
Posts: 870
Joined: Tue Jun 30, 2009 7:18 pm
Location: Portugal

In the Netherlands aquired napkin rings with »Posthorn« si

Post by silverport »


Two days ago I’ve found another metal ware company, who has a »Posthorn« as part of their Trademark.

That is »Keltum« - a divisions of the Dutch »Koninklijke van Kempen en Begeer«.

Look here:" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;

These two napkin rings were recently acquired in the Netherlands. The only mark on them, is said, is a small »posthorn«.

On the item shown mark must not be mirrored, in relation to »Keltum« mark — as it must be, in relation to »Reißmüller & Co.«

So I guess a correction in possible origin: Maybe these napkin rings aren’t a product of German company »Reißmüller & Co.« - but a product of Dutch »Keltum« company?

More research must now be done; e.g. on product ranges of both as well.

Kind regards silverport
Niek van Wijk
Posts: 22
Joined: Thu Apr 01, 2010 6:21 am
Location: The Netherlands

Post by Niek van Wijk »

Dear Silverport,

Thank you very much for your extended research. Although without "proof" - so far I could not find these napkin rings in Keltum's product range but I intend to contact them on this shortly - I am convinced that you are right: The mailhorn on the napkin rings resembles the mailhorn in their logo very much, the rings were purchased in The Netherlands and although old, they do not appear to be antique.
If I find out more, I will mention that in this forum.

Best regards,
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