American Directories Listings

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Post by silverly »

James A Hoyt is listed in the 1840 Troy, New York Census and again in Troy as a jeweler in 1850. He is listed as a jeweler in directories and census's in Saratoga Springs, New York from 1860 up to 1887, lastly at 445 Broadway.
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Post by silverly »

Henry Towle is listed in the 1860 Census for Haverhill, New Hampshire as a jeweler and book and stationary dealer. Henry Towle paid taxes as a retail dealer in Haverhill, New Hampshire in 1864.
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Post by silverly »

Richard J Tape

There is a passenger list for the Brig Spartan sailing from Carthagena and arriving in Boston on 13 April 1826 that has on it a Richard Tape, jeweler, and only one other passenger who was a merchant.

There is a passenger list for the Ship New England that sailed from Liverpool
and arrived in Boston on 30 June 1828 that has on it a Jesse R Tape who was
born about 1773 on the Isle of Man and a weaver. On the same list there is an
Ann Tape who was born about 1798 on the Isle of Man, and a Richard Tape
who was born about 1804 also on the Isle of Man and a jeweler.

Richard J Tape is listed in the Providence Directory in 1841 as a jeweler on Pond.

The Selected U.S. Naturalization Record Indexes, 1791-1966 (Indexed in World
Archives Project) Record for Richard Tape on 12 June 1850 shows his birth as
11 May 1804. Richard's residence at this time was Walpole, Massachusetts, and
he is listed there in the 1850 Census as a jeweler.

The 1857 Providence Directory lists Mary Tape as a widow (Richard J Tape's) at
59 Lockwood with a John Tape at the same address who was a jeweler.
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Post by silverly »

S Cottle & Co

Shubael Cottle who was born about 1840 in Massachusetts and died in New York, New York in 1929 was serving a jeweler's apprenticeship in New Bedford, Massachusetts in 1860.

Shubael is listed as a clerk at Dexter & Haskins in the 1865 New Bedford Directory.

He had U S Patents associated with jewelry while residing in New York, New
York as early as 1872.
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Post by silverly »

H H Curtis & Co

From 1878 to 1881 Henry H Curtis is listed in Attleboro Directories as a salesman at T I Smith & Co. In 1883 he is listed as a member of the firm T I Smith & Co. Henry H Curtis's father in law Theron I Smith founded that company.
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Post by silverly »

The 1872-73 Wiggins' City Directory of Springfield notes that George W Chatterton has been established at the stand he now occupies on the west side of the square since 1839. There is a G W Chatterton in the 1840 Census for Springfield, Illinois who is about the right age.

George W Chatterton is listed on his own at 19 John in the 1876 Trow's New York City Directory. George W Chatterton is listed with Chatterton & Dodd (David C, Jr) jewelers at 19 John in Trow's New York City Directories in 1877 and 1878. George W Chatterton is listed the same in 1879 except that his home is given as Illinois.

The 28 March 1888 issue of the Chicago Tribune reported that George W Chatterton Sr's death in Springfield, Illinois had occurred the previous evening.
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Post by silverly »

G. Brower.W.N.Y.

There is a George Brower in the District of Columbia Census for 1850 who was a jeweler and who was born in New York in about 1789. It is definitely a longshot, but he's one possibility for the gentleman whose mark is G. Brower.W.N.Y.
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Post by silverly »

Richard Smith who was born about 1828 in Vermont is listed in the Newark, New Jersey Census for 1850 as a jeweler. He is last listed in Newark Directories as a jeweler in 1889. He later became a capitalist.
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Post by silverly »

Perry G Tanner who was born in New York in about 1816 is listed in the 1850 Ostego, New York Census as a jeweler.

From 1860 through 1880, Perry G Tanner is listed as a jeweler and manufacturer in Cooperstown, New York Census's.

According to the Jeweler's Circular for 2 November 1898 (available on google), Fred Tanner succeeded to the business of Perry G Tanner, Cooperstown, New York, who had died recently.
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Post by silverly »

George L Vose & Co manuf jewelers is listed in the 1864 through 1897 Providence Directories.

George L Vose is listed as a stud and button maker in the 1880 Providence Census.

Geo L Vose Mfg Co is first listed in 1897 Providence House Directory at 59 Clifford which is the same business address he had in 1864.

The company appears to be last listed in the 1926 Providence Directory and at 59 Clifford Street.

George L Vose's wife Mary E Carpenter died in 1926. George survived his wife, but it is not likely that he was alive for very many years after that event.

This is the second posting by me concerning this gentleman. The first one is on page two of this topic.
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Post by silverly »

Edwin F Wilson is listed as a silversmith in the 1850 Irondequoit, New York Census. In the 1860 Irondequot Census, he is listed as a farmer, and he is in later Census's for Rochester listed as farmer through 1900.
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Post by silverly »

silverly wrote:H H Chandler & Son Charlestown is very likely Henry H and his son Henry J Chandler who were in business together in Charlestown, Massachusetts as dry goods dealers in the first quarter of the twentieth century. Theirs was a very successful company and a flatware line would not be too much out of the ordinary.
Looking into this firm just a little more has led me to believe that the son's middle initial was "N" and not "J" as I had first thought.

Military jewelry appears to have at least for a while been a line of theirs, and one of the manufacturers whose goods they sold was Charles M Robbins.
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Re: American Directories Listings

Post by silverly »

Apparently, H H Chandler & Son Charlestown were Henry Horatio and Henry Nelson Chandler.
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Re: American Directories Listings

Post by silverly »

silverly wrote:Seib does not come up anywhere that I have found in jewelry or related trades.
I have to correct myself about not being able to find the Seib name in jewelry and related trades. There was a twenty year old Theodore W Seib who was listed as a jeweler in the 1860 U S Census for Cincinnati, Ohio, and there is a Theodore Seib who is shown as a jeweler in the 1866 Cincinnati business directory as well as a Theodore W Seib listed as a clerk. There was an Edwin W Ankeny who was a jeweler and watchmaker in Cinninati at about that time.

There are also other Seibs in the same line of work in other states, but none that I have found in Indiana. So far no sure sign of a Seib & Ankeny partnership anywhere, but I'll keep looking.
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Joseph P Sidel

Post by GregHodgson1 »

silverly wrote:For Information wanted: A Joseph P Sidel who was born in Russia in about 1875 and immigrated to the U S in 1892 is listed as a silverware manufacturer in the Bronx, New York in 1920. In 1930 he is listed as a silver manufacturer in Cedarhurst, New York.
HI Silverly. I have Joseph P Sidel born in Poland in 1876 and went to the states in 1882. He did not attend school but was able to read and write. His mother and father were polish also. He became a naturalised citizen. His occupation was manufacturer and the industry was Silver. He was considered an employer. He had a wife Sophie (married at 22), daughter Stella, and two sons, Bob and Colman. He is listed as living at 254 Lindwood Avenue Cedarhurst, New York. Information from the 1930 USA Census. Regards.
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