Hello needtoknow
Rosenberg« was and still is a kind of standard — but as I know, never was published a version in any foreign language, like e.g. English or French.
I work and contribute now with literature from my sixth language — well, my second I’ve start on »Epiphany« 1946 to forget totally, when we were expulsed.
But I think you’ve the same experience: If you are »
falling in love« you would learn very quickly the signification of a sign, a word …
Look e.g. to
Hose_dk: He contributes much sounded to a culture in a language in which he wasn’t born. And his national knowledge is in »925-1000« much needed too.
Well in the beginning it is
like to be lost in the jungle of words — and wrong interpretations seem to be the »Standard«.
The Irish writer
Samuel Beckett has once advised: »
To fail, it doesn’t matter — try again — fail again — fail better«.
Theoderich found out that the first three of four volumes are already digitalized and be online available;
for online research or download. The fourth volume on marks of other European country isn’t available yet.
Please look here; correct cited =
R3 (Rosenberg 3rd edition; vol. 1 = 1922, vol. 2 = 1923, vol. 3 = 1925)
Volume 1:
http://diglit.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/digl ... erg1922bd1" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
Volume 2:
http://diglit.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/digl ... berg1922ga" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
Volume 3:
http://diglit.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/digl ... erg1925bd3" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
Very important is, that in each volume on the end are several indexes of marks, names of silversmiths …
For final it’s like to carry coals to Newcastle: You already know where you always could ask for assistance.
Have a nice summertime!
Kind regards silverport