Thanks again for photos and explanation. Would the combination of ПМ (Miljukov Petr Pavlowitsch) 1877-1912 as the silversmith and assayer ИК (Ivan Jefimowitsch Konstantinov) 1874-1882 be a 'valid' combination - i.e. that there exist other known works by the two together?
Excuse my lack of knowledge about this, as before finding this item I didn't know even what niello meant - and how beautiful it could be.
The good thing is that I have a nice handmade piece of art - and I also have some history behind it's creation (even if all details are difficult to verify).
The most exciting thing would of course have been to know who the original owner was (X.K?) and any information about the depicted house.
I'm not an expert on buildings, but to me the roof of the house looks like a wooden roof like the one in this old russian photo:
(I remembered these old russian color photos I found on the web a few years ago when I saw the house on my box).
Or, could it be corrugated iron plates (or bitumen - not sure if it's the right word - it's what Google translate says) as it looks like in this picture?
(The larger collection is to be found here: ... y_ago.html)
Actually seeing images in color from this time (around 1910) and age gives a very different impression than the ordinary b/w images from the same time.
The back of the house also seems to be some kind of hill or mountain - but I'm not sure if it's just there to give a good composition or representing something real.
Regards, Jan Erik