Jewellers, Goldsmiths, and Opticians, etc., 1, Nanking Road, Shanghai.
The watchmaking and jewellery trade is one of the avocations in Shanghai in which there is great competition, judging by the number and character of the establishments devoted thereto; consequently, the demand for such luxuries as articles of gold and silver and precious stones which sustains them is significant of local prosperity. One of the best firms in this line is that of Messrs. Hirsbrunner and Co., who have occupied a prominent position therein since the commencement of their business in 1870. Their large premises at No. 1, Nanking Road are fitted up in a very elegant manner, the numerous show cases and other appointments enabling the firm to display their stock in a system of orderliness that cannot fail to be admired, and which admits inspection of each article without any inconvenience or trouble to either buyer or seller.
To the visitor on the look-out for beautiful and uncommon designs in jewellery, Messrs. Hirsbrunner and Co.'s stock will specially appeal, the variety being so large that requirements of any description cannot fail to be satisfied. The assortment of watches and clocks represent the highest achievements attained therein by the leading makers throughout the world, and illustrates the perfection to which their manufacture has been brought.
But if any department of the business is worthy of greater eulogy than another, it is that directed to nautical and surveying instruments. Admiralty charts, optical goods, etc., which are held in great abundance. Everyone versed in these articles knows, of course, that Messrs. Negretti and Zambra, London, are the leading firm operating therein in the world. The mere mention of the fact that Messrs. Hirsbrunner and Co. are sole agents for them is sufficient to convey some idea of the quality and variety of their stock in this direction, and the skilled staff in their operative departments includes a specialist brought out from Negretti and Zambra's for the execution of work beyond the capacity of the ordinary employee.
The firm are also agents for the celebrated watches of Leo Juvet, Switzerland, which are made specially for Chinese under the name:

In 1893 the concern came into the possession of Mr. P. Zurn, under whose able direction it has gained in the confidence and esteem of everyone having dealings with it.
Source: Seaports of the Far East, Historical and Descriptive, Commercial and Industrial facts, Figures,& Resources - A. Macmillan - 1907
Advertisements for Hirsbrunner & Co.'s Tientsin branch:

Hirsbrunner & Co. - Tientsin - 1904

Hirsbrunner & Co. - Tientsin - 1907

John Hirsbrunner details from a 1898 listing

Hirsbrunner & Co. detail from 1892

Hirsbrunner & Co. detail from 1930