Below are two pics of a mark from a six-piece sterling tea set. The set has been in the family since at least as early as our grandparents and no one seems to remember anything about its provenance. I'm guessing American at the moment, but please excuse the incorrect categorization if it's actually British or something else. I went through the mark catalog, and tried searching the forums for "wing" and "wreath" variations, but had no luck so I am posting this.
I apologize for the poor picture quality -- I took about 25 pics of the bottom of the piece and these were the best, after being Photoshopped to clean up. Photographing silver is rather like photographing a mirror. :D I'll describe the marks on the bottom to help.
The maker's mark appears to be a wreath in a horseshoe shape flanked by wings on either side. Text on the bottom of the piece reads "Hand Chased," "Sterling," and "225."
Any assistance anyone can provide will be much appreciated. Thank you!