My research shows the silversmith to be ÐлекÑандр Дальман (Alexander Dalman) who worked in St. Petersburg from 1880-1905, #1203 in Postnikova.
The kokoshnik appears to be #3882 in Postnikova. Assayer is Ð. Рихтера (A. Retera) 1898-1903.
I have three requests. First, are the hallmarks real or fake? Second, is my research correct about the hallmarks? Third, what was this item used for?
Description of pictures:
#1 Side view of case showing niello design and ЯлтР(Yalta).
#2 Silversmiths hallmark ÐД.
#3 Kokoshnik 84, left facing kokoshnik with ÐÐ .
#4 Two hallmarks near opening.