BARNARD, Edward I (575, 2309)
Below is the death notice of Edward Barnard (I) (Grimwade 575, 2309). The date of death does not appear in Grimwades.
4th January 1855 In Claremont Square, Aged 87, Edward Barnard Esq. Late of the firm of Edward Barnard & Sons, Angel Street, St. Martins-Le-Grand, and formerly of Paternoster Row.
Source: The Gentleman's Magazine - 1855
BARNARD, Edward I (Grimwade pp.430, 736)
Moderators: buckler, MCB, silverly
BARNARD, Edward I (Grimwade p.430)
Born c1768.
Christening record for St Andrew's, Holborn dated 16th January 1768.
1851 UK Census for 39 Claremont Square, Clerkenwell records him as a retired goldsmith aged 83 years.
Christening record for St Andrew's, Holborn dated 16th January 1768.
1851 UK Census for 39 Claremont Square, Clerkenwell records him as a retired goldsmith aged 83 years.
Re: BARNARD, Edward I (Grimwade pp.430, 736)
Recorded as EAMES (widow) & BARNARD, Goldsmiths of 9, Ave Maria Lane, Ludgate Street.
Source: Johnstone's London Commercial Guide - Corrected to 31st August 1817 - Andrew Johnstone - 1818
Source: Johnstone's London Commercial Guide - Corrected to 31st August 1817 - Andrew Johnstone - 1818
Re: BARNARD, Edward I (Grimwade pp.430, 736)
Notice is hereby given, that the Partnership heretofore subsisting between us the undersigned, Henry Chawner, Rebecca Emes, and Edward Barnard, carrying on trade as Silversmiths, under the firm of Widow Emes and Barnard, at Paternoster-Row, and Amen-Corner, in the City of London, was dissolved on the 25th day of December last past by mutual consent: As witness our hands this 19th day of February 1829.
Henry Chawner.
Rebecca Emes.
Edwd. Barnard.
Source: The London Gazette - 20th February 1829
Henry Chawner.
Rebecca Emes.
Edwd. Barnard.
Source: The London Gazette - 20th February 1829