Hallmark confusion...French??

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Hallmark confusion...French??

Post by allentownboy »

HI everyone, I'm new here and hope to begin participating on a regular basis by sharing my own knowledge and pieces I've collected, but also tap the collective knowledge of the group and see if any of you can help me with some pieces I come across that stump me! To that end, I have a question of anyone who might be able to help clear up a mystery...

I recently purchased a large grouping of vermeil flatware (109 pieces), and the marks have me confused. I cannot seem to identify any of them properly, and I am usually pretty good at figuring it out. This service has several different markings, and not all of them are on all of the pieces which is odd. The blades of the knives seem to be copper that is gold washed and all 24 of them have a different engraving. I am not even certain what the material these are made of is, or the age. I do know that what I see is this:

1. A right-facing profile in an oval (or it looks like one to me)
2. What looks to be a gothic letter C or G
3. A crown with a B turned horizontally balanced upon a larger M
4. The makers mark in a diamond of what appears to be a B.D with nothing between the letters but a period.

Here are pics:







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Re: Hallmark confusion...French??

Post by joho »

Hi - I believe the MB below a crown is the mark for Bahia, Brazil 19th Century. Regards John
Posts: 2
Joined: Sat Oct 08, 2011 12:06 am

Re: Hallmark confusion...French??

Post by allentownboy »

John, I am grateful for your reply. I had also posted at another place and got the same answer. Now I guess the questions would be:

How old does anyone think they are?

What is the silver purity standard? 800? 900?

Is (potential) colonial Brazilian silver uncommon, and thus maybe better served being donated to a museum if rare? Although I cannot, by site rules, say what I paid for it, I can say that if it is at all important, I would rather it be where it can be curated properly. Truth is, I have 9 huge sets now and probably don't need another!
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