Fork with hallmarks, unknown metal, heavy.

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Fork with hallmarks, unknown metal, heavy.

Post by TheGeorgiaCanuck »

Heavy fork I found metal detecting a few months ago. It has hallmarks, but when polished the color when from dark tarnish to a copperish gold in some places. Looks to be silver plated, but not sure. The fork is heavy and has weight. Here is a photo of the hallmarks. ... C00035.jpg
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What I know so far about the hallmarks.

1. Unknown Maker
2. & (and)
3. CO. (company I think)
4. Date, unknown. Might be 1849-1851
5. Unknown
6. Arrow
7. Large Crown
8. A.M.

Any help appreciated, even if it turns out to be fake or copper.
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Re: Fork with hallmarks, unknown metal, heavy.

Post by SirWatkynBassett »


It may have been plated originally, or may have been just base metal, but not silver.

This piece is a government issue one, as can be seen by the 'crow's foot' (broard arrow) mark, in this case by the Air Ministry. That particular crown is a King's crown and thus would date the piece prior to 1953.

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Re: Fork with hallmarks, unknown metal, heavy.

Post by oel »


Could it be a silver-plate mark used by; B & Co for; Benetfink & Company, London, England. Retailer. From 1895
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Re: Fork with hallmarks, unknown metal, heavy.

Post by TheGeorgiaCanuck »

SirWatkynBassett wrote:Hello,

It may have been plated originally, or may have been just base metal, but not silver.

This piece is a government issue one, as can be seen by the 'crow's foot' (broard arrow) mark, in this case by the Air Ministry. That particular crown is a King's crown and thus would date the piece prior to 1953.

Any idea if this would have been the British Air Ministry or the Canadian Air Ministry? It was recovered at a depth of 6 inches in a old park dating back to at least 1910.
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Re: Fork with hallmarks, unknown metal, heavy.

Post by TheGeorgiaCanuck »

oel wrote:Hi,

Could it be a silver-plate mark used by; B & Co for; Benetfink & Company, London, England. Retailer. From 1895
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I dunno, the first symbol doesn't really match. I've been browsing the web today looking and it matches more the symbol for Canada hallmark.

What do you think?
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Re: Fork with hallmarks, unknown metal, heavy.

Post by SirWatkynBassett »


That would be the British Air Ministry. Such pieces were made in their thousands and scattered all around the globe wherever an RAF presence was to be found. They are found with a variety of maker's marks depending on the manufacturer who won the individual contract.

I believe the Air Ministry was formed in 1918 following the formation of RAF. The earlier Royal Flying Corps came under the control of the Army.

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Re: Fork with hallmarks, unknown metal, heavy.

Post by oel »

Hello GeorgiaCanuck,

No I totally agree with SirWatkynBassett. Anyway I would not dare to contradict Sir Watkin Bassett, who I know to be a famous rival silver collector.
No more jokes and just to answer your last question; we are not looking at Canadian silver hallmarks but most likely we are looking at British silver plate marks.

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Re: Fork with hallmarks, unknown metal, heavy.

Post by TheGeorgiaCanuck »

oel wrote:Hello GeorgiaCanuck,

No I totally agree with SirWatkynBassett. Anyway I would not dare to contradict Sir Watkin Bassett, who I know to be a famous rival silver collector.
No more jokes and just to answer your last question; we are not looking at Canadian silver hallmarks but most likely we are looking at British silver plate marks.

Well said Sir. I did figure it was silver plate, but did they silver plate copper? The fork is too heavy to be nickle I believe. I should get it weighed and see how many grams it is.

For awhile I was thinking it might be rose gold, but that would be too far flung an idea for issued Air Ministry cutlery.

Now if I could get to the bottom of my makers mark on the sterling pendant I found I'd be a happy camper.
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Re: Fork with hallmarks, unknown metal, heavy.

Post by oel »


To answer your last question; did they silverplate copper ? . The answer is yes.
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