Just wanted everyone to know that Karl F. Leinonen, a gold and silversmith from Finland who worked in the Boston area, had a son Edward who was also a silversmith. Edward lived and worked in the Boston area. I don't know how long Edward might have used his father's mark, but eventually, he used a block style L above Sterling. He made serving utensils, candy dishes, jewelry, and, probably, many other types of pieces, which I never saw.
Even as a child, I loved Edward Leinonen's work. He was one of the greats.
If there are any other Leinonen connoisseurs out there, I would love to know what other kinds of work Edward did.
Edward Leinonen, Karl F's son
Re: Edward Leinonen, Karl F's son
A little biographical information about Karl F Leinonen taken from an 1893 Boston passenger list that shows him, a U S Passport application of his for 1912, and the 8 December 1957 issue of Stars and Stripes: he was born in Merimasku, Finland on 25 August 1866; he immigrated to the U S in 1893 as a twenty-six year old goldsmith; his last residence in Finland was Hango; and he died on 6 December 1957 in Watertown, Massachusetts.