filigree bracelet 835 mark

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filigree bracelet 835 mark

Post by tinasowders »

Hi, I have a bracelet that weighs 40grams filigree...its marked 835 that's oval around the mark or anykind of shape or letter.....just 835. I was told this bracelet could be 20k gold so I had it scratch acid tested for gold using 14k then I had it tested for then I had it tested for withstood the platinum acid perfect for about 30 seconds then disappeared. Low grade antique platinum not pure enuff for modern day platinum acid? I need some advice on this bracelet has anybody else had this happpen? What is the 835 mark really? some people say possible 20k gold.. People say low grade silver....I think people say low grade silver bc it does not hold up to silver tested worst than my 800 silver piece bc this 835 bracelet is not silver. I can not see someone handmaking this bracelet out of do u test antique platinum without damaging it? Any advice or comments or knowledge about my post?
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Re: filigree bracelet 835 mark

Post by oel »

Hi Tina,

Welcome to the forum.

Modern jewellery made out of platinum, the platinum is mostly pure and not mixed with other elements or metals and mostly of minimum 950/1000 fineness. So your acid could be to strong for an alloy of low grade platinum. I advise you to have your bracelet tested by an official assay office.

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Joined: Sun Jun 03, 2012 11:46 am

Re: filigree bracelet 835 mark

Post by tinasowders »

Thank you for reply...only problem with that is I live in the states...our assay office only assist us on mint have to send it to another country if I was gonna get it looked at by an offical assay office
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