New here. Want to thank you for a great board and a wonderful site. I use it regularly for identification. I have a Sheffield Reproduction meat tray marked with trademark from Forbes Silver Co., with the number 20 to the right, and further to the right it says 16 in. I am trying to get a better idea of when this was made. What I have found in my research, of course here, but also other sites and The Encyclopedia of American Silver Manufacturers 3rd Edition, is this:
I know the Forbes Silver Co was formed as a division of the Meriden Britannia Co. in 1894 that silver plated hollow ware, and that Meriden helped with the formation of IS in 1898. I also know that if marked as Sheffield Reproduction it would be silver over copper. I found most of that info searching the forum here and comparing to the book mentioned above. The same post mentioned that IS stopped using the Forbes trademarks around 1935, but in the book under the mark listings for IS they don't list the Forbes marks. My question is this...based on the info above, was this tray produced between 1894-1898? I haven't been able to find a reference to what the "20" means to the right of the marks, anyone help there? Or am I missing some information? I am only posting 2 pics here, but will include the link at bottom for whole album, as it contains 11 pics total including another Forbes mark.
Whole album link: ... roduction/" onclick=";return false;
Sorry if not supposed to post links, thought ok because just album link. TIA to anyone that can provide some info.
PS- Anyone that wishes may use or reproduce any of the pics I post or are contained in my albums without consent