Looking for any insight available about this four inch salt spoon that looks like it could have been marked Kirk at one time. Many thanks in advance.
I'm away from home right now and the images were taken with a new ipad which I am not very accustomed to yet, so they're not the best.
Possible Kirk Spoon
Re: Possible Kirk Spoon
There are a lot of different Kirk stamps, and at least two possibilities that are all upper case and incuse. But the letters on all the Kirk stamps I own or could find are spaced much closer together, so its not wholly convincing unless you can find an example of a Kirk stamp with the letter spaced far apart as in yours.
Re: Possible Kirk Spoon
Jag, thank you for the reply. Hopefully, in time someone will recognize this particular mark.
Re: Possible Kirk Spoon
Could it be a Kirby rather than a Kirk mark?
J B Kirby might be a contender.
J B Kirby might be a contender.
Re: Possible Kirk Spoon
David, that is a good thought. I've kind of convinced myself that the last visible could be a "k," but I will keep an open mind about it. Thank you!